[net.news.group] Cross posting deleting

petrick@lll-crg.ARPA (Jim Petrick) (08/16/85)

Can anyone tell me a way to junk articles that have been cross posted?
More specifically, I would like to junk the cross postings of an article I
have already read in another newsgroup.  Is this possible?
				Jim Petrick

guy@sun.uucp (Guy Harris) (08/20/85)

> Can anyone tell me a way to junk articles that have been cross posted?
> More specifically, I would like to junk the cross postings of an article I
> have already read in another newsgroup.  Is this possible?

Assuming "junk" means "ensure that you don't see again" (i.e., it's not some
"rn" term with a specific meaning inside "rn"), there's no way to do it for
cross-postings which have been split into two or more postings by broken
news systems along the way, or by cross-postings generated by somebody
mailing to the ARPANET mailing lists INFO-UNIX and UNIX-WIZARDS, say, and
getting the same message posted separately to net.unix and net.unix-wizards.
If the article was posted, rather than gatewayed, and there are no sites
running such broken news software, you should only see the article once.

	Guy Harris