[comp.windows.x] Scrolling List widget question

wolf@cbnewsh.ATT.COM (thomas.wolf) (08/18/89)

I've come across a problem that I don't know what to make of:

I've coded a BulletinBoard widget who has as two of its children ScrollingList
widgets.  One of these ScrollingList widgets was populated with a bunch of
list entries.  The other list was empty initially.  The code looked something
like this:

	extern OlListItem item[];
	OlListToken (*list1AddItem)(), (*list2AddItem)(), token1, token2;
	static Arg query[] = {
		{ XtNapplAddItem, (XtArgVal) &list1AddItem }
	static Arg query2[] = {
		{ XtNapplAddItem, (XtArgVal) &list2AddItem }
	Widget list1, list2;

	list1 = XtCreateManagedWidget("list1", scrollingListWidgetClass, ...)
	list2 = XtCreateManagedWidget("list1", scrollingListWidgetClass, ...)

	XtGetValues(list1, query, XtNumber(query));
	XtGetValues(list2, query2, XtNumber(query));

	for (i=0; i<num_items; i++)
		(*applAddItem)(list1, 0, 0, item[i]);

	XtAddCallback(list1, XtNuserMakeCurrent, selec_func, NULL);

static void selec_func(widget, clientData, callData)
	Widget widget;
	caddr_t clientData;
	caddr_t callData;
	OlListItem *item;
	item = OlListItemPointer((OlListToken) callData);
	(*list2AddItem)(list2, 0, 0, *item);

Now, for some reason, when list2AddItem in selec_func() gets called, it not
only adds that list item to the end of ScrollingList list2, but it also
appends it to ScrollingList list1 !  Has anyone else experienced this problem?
And if so, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Any help would be appreciated,


P.S.  I haven't tried adding an 'XtNapplTouchItem' function -- could that
cause the above behaviour?