[comp.windows.x] help with athena text widget

clyne@redcloud.ucar.edu (John Clyne) (08/18/89)

Can someone please take the time to tell me why the following simple peace
of code won't work. I am trying to retrieve the font used by a text 
widget in order to calculate the length of the string to be displayed
in said widget so that I may resize the text widget accordingly.

The problem is I can't seem to get the font using XtGetValues. The 
documentation (ha ha) from MIT on athena widgets mentions something about
not being able to return the font resource with XtTextGetValue() but
nothing about XtGetValues(). If the font resource in fact cannot be
retrieved via XtGetValues ... then how do you do it?? Or is there 
a more simple way to tell the athen text widget to resize itelf to the 
width of the longest line?

thanks - jc

	John Clyne 	(clyne@ncar.ucar.edu)
	National Center for Atmospheric Research
	P.O. Box 3000
	Boulder, Colorado 80307
	(303) 497-1236

		%%% Its a small world. But I wouldn't want to paint it %%%
						S. Wright
		%%%						       %%%
/* $XConsortium: xtext.c,v 1.8 88/10/05 13:14:34 swick Exp $ */
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <X11/AsciiText.h>
#include <stdio.h>

static char default_value[] =
	"This is a\ntest.  If this\nhad been an actual\nemergency...";

main(argc, argv)
unsigned int argc;
char **argv;
	Arg	args[5];
	int	len, width, height;
	Widget toplevel;
	Widget	text;
	XFontStruct	font;

	char *index();

	toplevel = XtInitialize("textTest", "Demo", NULL, 0,
			    &argc, argv);

	XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstring, default_value);
	text = XtCreateManagedWidget( argv[0], asciiStringWidgetClass,
		    toplevel, args, 1);

	 * get the font used by the text widget
	XtSetArg(args[0], XtNfont, &font);
	XtSetArg(args[1], XtNwidth, &width);
	XtSetArg(args[2], XtNheight, &height);
	XtGetValues(text, args, 3);

	 * calculate the length of our string in pixels
	len = XTextWidth(&font, default_value, strlen(default_value));

	 * change width of text widget to width of string
	XtSetArg(args[0], XtNwidth, len);
	XtSetValues(text, args, 1);


kit@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Chris D. Peterson) (08/18/89)

> Can someone please take the time to tell me why the following simple peace
> of code won't work. 

Because the text widget DOES NOT SUPPORT retrieving the font with XtGetValues.
This is a bug, and I hope to fix it soon, but I am really busy.  

[ Don't bother sending code on this one, the "right" fix requires some 
  functionality that is not defined in R3. ]

> The documentation (ha ha) from MIT on athena widgets mentions something about
> not being able to return the font resource with XtTextGetValue() but
> nothing about XtGetValues().

XtTextGetValues is a typo it should read XtGetValues.  This documentation bug is
left over from X11 Beta.

						Chris D. Peterson     
						MIT X Consortium 

Net:	 kit@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Phone:   (617) 253 - 9608	
Address: MIT - Room NE43-213