[comp.windows.x] Inter-character padding?

pinkas@cad001.intel.com (Israel Pinkas ~) (08/23/89)

Is there any way to get inter-character padding when drawing strings?  In
X10, ther was a routine called XTextPad that allowed you to specify
inter-character padding.

-Israel Pinkas
Disclaimer: The above are my personal opinions, and in no way represent
the opinions of Intel Corporation.  In no way should the above be taken
to be a statement of Intel.

UUCP:	{amdcad,decwrl,hplabs,oliveb,pur-ee,qantel}!intelca!mipos3!cadev4!pinkas
ARPA:	pinkas%cadev4.intel.com@relay.cs.net
CSNET:	pinkas@cadev4.intel.com

rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (08/23/89)

    Is there any way to get inter-character padding when drawing strings?

There isn't a "uniform-pad" value like there was in X10, but XDrawText
allows you to put delta-x values between every character if you want.

gaf@uucs1.UUCP (gaf) (08/24/89)

We've got a 350 here, but it's a loaner so I don't know the HP lingo very well.
It does have the 1280x1024 color display, and xdpyinfo reports 8 planes.

I tried building an Xhp server from the R3 release, but have had no success
getting it to run.  I have always attributed this to my ignorance of HP
nomenclature (I don't really know what it was that I built).  So, I've been
using the server which came with the system.  Too bad, because it's R2 and
enough changed in R3 to make my life just a bit more difficult.  It does work
for almost all applications, though.

I've also had no success getting the R2 server to start from the R3 xinit I
built, so I've relied on the HP-supplied "x11start" script.  It's silly, but
the command line resulting from the script doesn't work for me when I enter
it manually.  The xterm I built from the R3 tape doesn't work, either, but
again the HP-supplied xterm does.

Most everything else I've tried on it works, including the recently-posted
xfish (with some very minor tweaking).

Guy Finney					It's that feeling of deja-vu
UUCS inc.   Phoenix, Az				all over again.
ncar!noao!asuvax!hrc!uucs1!gaf	sun!sunburn!gtx!uucs1!gaf