[comp.windows.x] xfig 1.4.3 patchlevel 6

isaac@goanna.oz (Isaac Balbin) (08/30/89)

There appears to be a bug in this with respect to the entering
of text. On a SUN 3/50 client attempts to enter text are silently
ignored. On a MIPS R2000 based box, I get "Alarm Clock", presumably
a SIGALRM. Has anyone encountered this _and_ fixed it?
		Thanks in advance.
Isaac Balbin,
Department of Computer Science,	         ACSNET: isaac@goanna.oz
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology,  JANET: isaac%goanna.oz.au@uk.ac.ukc
GPO BOX 2476 V,                            ARPA: isaac%goanna.oz.au@uunet.uu.net
Melbourne, 3001, 		          CSNET: isaac%goanna.oz.au@australia
AUSTRALIA                                  UUCP: ...!uunet!goanna.oz.au!isaac
Phone: +61 3 660 2803		         BITNET: isaac%goanna.oz.au@relay.cs.net
Fax  : +61 3 663 2764		          EARN: isaac%goanna.oz.au@uk.ac.rl.earn