[comp.windows.x] xgraph display in unix:0.0

klg@dukeac.UUCP (Kim Greer) (09/01/89)

(This is for a friend who can't post to the net.  Please
reply to the net or e-mail to dave@orion.mc.duke.edu -klg)

I have been using xgraph on a sun 3/60 under Sun OS (3.5).  I
have found that the graph window always shows up in unix:0.1,
even if I explicitly state "-display unix:0.0".  I looked 
back at the original archive, and found that this problem was
noted by the moderator.

Has anyone come up with a fix for this?  I hate flipping back
and forth between the two displays, and I would love to put
unix:0.1 to rest.  (Of course, I could do all of my work in
unix:0.1 and ignore unix:0.0, but dammit, xgraph gives me an
option for display, and I want it to work!)



stolcke@icsi.Berkeley.EDU (Andreas Stolcke) (09/02/89)

> I have been using xgraph on a sun 3/60 under Sun OS (3.5).  I
> have found that the graph window always shows up in unix:0.1,
> even if I explicitly state "-display unix:0.0".  I looked 
> back at the original archive, and found that this problem was
> noted by the moderator.
Looking into the code I found this somewhat counter-intuitive
behavior to be a `feature'! xgraph goes off hunting for a color screen
on the display it is running on even if given a bw screen in DISPLAY.
A side effect of this seems to be that xgraph sets up a new colormap
for the screen it uses. This turns out to be pretty ugly, compared with the
default colormap. It's easy to get rid of all this, see patch below.

I ran into two other problems: The default printer names compiled into the
program are the right ones if you happen to work in Berkeley's CS Division,
I made xgraph look for environment variables PLOTTER and PRINTER instead,
following the convention used by other BSD programs.
Finally, the font patterns used to obtain fonts from the server are very
general. In particular, if you have xproof installed they will
retrieve the wrong fonts and cause havoc in the dialog box.

BTW, xgraph is otherwise a really neat piece of software so it's worth
some hacking to get it running.

Andreas Stolcke
International Computer Science Institute	stolcke@icsi.Berkeley.EDU
1957 Center St., Suite 600, Berkeley, CA 94704	(415) 642-4274 ext. 126
These are the patches to xgraph
to get it running the way we wanted

*** xgraph.c.dist	Sun Apr  9 14:47:32 1989
--- xgraph.c	Fri Sep  1 18:21:34 1989
*** 737,743 ****
--- 737,747 ----
  /* Default color names */
  static char *defColors[MAXATTR] = {
      "red", "SpringGreen", "blue", "yellow",
+ #ifdef BAD_COLORS
      "cyan", "plum", "orange", "coral"
+ #else
+     "cyan", "plum", "orange", "magenta"
+ #endif
  int InitSets()
*** 802,808 ****
--- 806,816 ----
      } else {
  	/* Its color */
+ #ifdef BAD_COLORS
  	bgPixel = GetColor("LightGray");
+ #else
+ 	bgPixel = white_pixel;
+ #endif
  	zeroPixel = white_pixel;
  	zeroWidth = 1;
  	normPixel = black_pixel;
*** 996,1002 ****
--- 1004,1016 ----
      char newname[100];
      int idx;
+     char *plotter, *getenv();
+     /* check if environment tells us which plotter to use */
+     plotter = getenv( "PLOTTER" );
+     if ( plotter == NULL )
+ 	    plotter = getenv( "PRINTER" );
      if (rd_pix("Background")) {
  	bgPixel = def_pixel;
*** 1041,1046 ****
--- 1055,1063 ----
      /* Read device specific parameters */
      for (idx = 0;  idx < hard_count;  idx++) {
+ 	if ( plotter != NULL )
+ 		(void) strncpy( hard_devices[idx].dev_printer, plotter, MFNAME-1 );
  	sprintf(newname, "%s.Dimension", hard_devices[idx].dev_name);
  	if (rd_dbl(newname)) hard_devices[idx].dev_max_dim = def_dbl;
  	sprintf(newname, "%s.OutputTitleFont", hard_devices[idx].dev_name);
*** ux11/ux11n_font.c.dist	Tue Feb  7 11:03:37 1989
--- ux11/ux11n_font.c	Fri Sep  1 16:20:47 1989
*** 115,120 ****
      data.micrometers = size;
      return ux11_find_font(disp, scrn_num,
! 			  "*-medium-r-normal-*", ux11_size_eval, (VOID_P) &data,
  			  rtn_font, rtn_name);
--- 115,120 ----
      data.micrometers = size;
      return ux11_find_font(disp, scrn_num,
! 			  "*-medium-r-normal-*-iso8859-1", ux11_size_eval, (VOID_P) &data,
  			  rtn_font, rtn_name);
*** ux11/ux11s_vismap.c.dist	Tue Feb  7 11:03:37 1989
--- ux11/ux11s_vismap.c	Fri Sep  1 18:31:37 1989
*** 30,41 ****
--- 30,46 ----
   * if the default is returned,  and UX11_ALTERNATE if a non-defualt
   * visual/colormap is returned.
+ /* this behavior is counter-intuitive and we get rid of it!
+    A. Stolcke, 9/1/89
+  */
      int def_depth;
      XVisualInfo info;
      def_depth = DefaultDepth(disp, DefaultScreen(disp));
      if (def_depth > UX11_MIN_DEPTH) {
+ #endif
  	/* Plenty and sufficient default resources */
  	*rtn_vis = DefaultVisual(disp, DefaultScreen(disp));
  	*rtn_cmap = DefaultColormap(disp, DefaultScreen(disp));
*** 42,47 ****
--- 47,53 ----
  	*rtn_scrn = DefaultScreen(disp);
  	*rtn_depth = DefaultDepth(disp, DefaultScreen(disp));
  	return UX11_DEFAULT;
      } else {
  	/* Try to find another suitable visual */
  	if (ux11_find_visual(disp, ux11_color_vis, &info)) {
*** 72,77 ****
--- 78,84 ----
  	    return 0;
+ #endif
*** Makefile.dist	Sun Apr  9 13:51:44 1989
--- Makefile	Fri Sep  1 18:35:17 1989
*** 12,18 ****
  #	line below.
  CFLAGS	= $(CLEVEL) -Ixtb -Iux11
  CC	= cc
--- 12,18 ----
  #	line below.
  CFLAGS	= $(CLEVEL) -Ixtb -Iux11
  CC	= cc
*** 24,29 ****
--- 24,31 ----
  LIBS	= xtb/$(XTB) ux11/$(UX11) -lX11 -lm
  TARGET	= xgraph
+ XBIN	= /usr/local/X11R3/bin
+ XMAN	= /usr/local/X11R3/man
*** 46,48 ****
--- 48,54 ----
  		rm -f $(OBJ) $(TARGET) xgtest.o xgtest #* *~
  		cd xtb; make clean
  		cd ux11; make clean
+ install:	$(TARGET)
+ 		install -c $(TARGET) $(XBIN)
+ 		install -c $(TARGET).1 $(XMAN)/man1

davidh@dent.Berkeley.EDU (David S. Harrison) (09/03/89)

> I have been using xgraph on a sun 3/60 under Sun OS (3.5).  I
> have found that the graph window always shows up in unix:0.1,
> even if I explicitly state "-display unix:0.0".  I looked 
> back at the original archive, and found that this problem was
> noted by the moderator.

I think you have omitted an important piece of information.  The
visuals of your two screens must be different (i.e. one is color
the other is monochrome).  Xgraph tries to be intelligent about
selecting an appropriate visual.  Its algorithm favors color
over black and white.  Thus,  I suspect unix:0.1 is your
color screen.

I don't have an easy solution to the problem.  I am not sure,
but I suspect I can't easily determine whether you have explicitly
specified the screen in your display specification without explictly
parsing the specification manually.  Perhaps someone can suggest
a strategy.  In the interim,  you can change the function
ux11_std_vismap in ux11/ux11s_vismap.c to always use the default
screen and visual by changing the value of UX11_MIN_DEPTH from four
to zero.

			David Harrison
			UC Berkeley Electronics Research Lab
			(davidh@ic.Berkeley.EDU, ...!ucbvax!ucbcad!davidh)