[comp.windows.x] Blinking characters in an xterm

rostamia@umbc3.UMBC.EDU (Rouben Rostamian) (09/13/89)

Is there a way to generate blinking text characters in an xterm?  
The vt100 blink escape sequence "ESC[1m" generates only bold characters
in an xterm, as the documentation suggests.

I am running X on a DECstation3100.  Some of my applications 
call for blinking text characters.  Although I can run these 
in a dxterm --- dxterm supports the complete set of vt100 
escapes, including the one for blinking characters --- I prefer 
xterm since it starts up faster.

Any comments?

Rouben Rostamian                               Phone: 301 455-2458
Department of Mathematics                      e-mail:
University of Maryland Baltimore Counnty       Rostamian@umbc.bitnet
Baltimore, MD 21228                            rostamia@umbc3.umbc.edu