[comp.windows.x] Patches for olwm on VMS

angel@umigw.MIAMI.EDU (angel li) (09/13/89)

Here are some patches for the Open Look window manager running on VMS.  It
would be nice if someone came up with the code to create a DECterm window
directly in the window manager rather than spawning a command to run

Here are a list of problems I've found with olwm on VMS:

	o The -f option does not seem to work with DECterm.  I can't seem
	  to get focus unless I click in the window.

	o olwm does not title modeless dialog boxes therefore these boxes
	  are not draggable.

	o xfish now works :-)

I have used olwm on VMS very lightly, I would be interested in getting
VMS patches mailed to me.  I have not found a way to cleanly replace the
DEC window manager on VMS with olwm.  Here is how I start up olwm from 
my decw$login.com:

$!  This does not work
$!def/job/exec decw$winmgrexe	sys$system:twm.exe
$!spawn/nowait/input=nl: mcr twm
$!  This certainly works...
$ stop decw$wm_1
$ spawn/nowait/input=nl: mcr du:[angel.bin]olwm
$ spawn/nowait/input=nl:/out=nl: mcr decw$clock

The define of decw$winmgrexe did not seem to work hence I used a
sledgehammer on the DEC window manager.  I hope someone can post
the correct way for doing this.  My next posting is patch to the
LucidaSansTypewriter-12 font that adds the graphic characters that VMS
uses for MONITOR, the debugger and the editors.

diff -cN [.olwm-orig]adframe.c [.olwm]adframe.c
*** [.olwm-orig]adframe.c	Sat Sep  9 16:08:35 1989
--- [.olwm]adframe.c	Fri Sep  8 22:30:04 1989
*** 675,680 ****
--- 675,684 ----
  	return ((FrameInfo *)frame->priv.ptr)->wmHints;
+ #ifdef VMS
+ #define	GetName	olwmGetName
+ #endif
   * GetName 		-- return  name from passed frame 
diff -cN [.olwm-orig]adtitlebar.c [.olwm]adtitlebar.c
*** [.olwm-orig]adtitlebar.c	Sat Sep  9 16:08:38 1989
--- [.olwm]adtitlebar.c	Fri Sep  8 22:30:15 1989
*** 142,147 ****
--- 142,151 ----
+ #ifdef VMS
+ #define	GetName	olwmGetName
+ #endif
   * SetTitleName -- fetch the name of the window from the pane and 
   * 	calculate the values needed to center the string
diff -cN [.olwm-orig]defaults.c [.olwm]defaults.c
*** [.olwm-orig]defaults.c	Sat Sep  9 16:08:49 1989
--- [.olwm]defaults.c	Sat Sep  9 14:06:14 1989
*** 36,41 ****
--- 36,48 ----
  #define TAG	"OpenWindows"
  MenuStr	AppMenuStrs[MAXAPPMENUITEMS] = {
+ #ifdef VMS
+ 	{ "Terminal",	"mcr decw$mail_createdecterm" },
+ 	{ "Clock",	"mcr decw$clock"},
+ 	{ "Calculator", "mcr decw$calc"},
+ 	{ "Calendar",	"mcr decw$calendar"},
+ 	{ "FileView",	"mcr decw$filevue"},
+ #else
  	{ "Terminal",	"xterm" },
  	{ "Terminal Iconic",	"xterm -iconic" },
  	{ "Clock",	"xclock"},
*** 42,47 ****
--- 49,55 ----
  	{ "Digital Clock",	"xclock -digital"},
  	{ "FileView",	"filemgr -Wb 230 230 230 -Wg"},
  	{ "Command Tool",	"cmdtool"},
+ #endif
  int	NumAppMenuStrs;
*** 101,107 ****
--- 109,119 ----
  	if (!(NumAppMenuStrs = ReadAppMenu()))
+ #ifdef VMS
+ 		NumAppMenuStrs = 5;
+ #else
  		NumAppMenuStrs = 6;
+ #endif
diff -cN [.olwm-orig]initgraphics.c [.olwm]initgraphics.c
*** [.olwm-orig]initgraphics.c	Sat Sep  9 16:08:42 1989
--- [.olwm]initgraphics.c	Fri Sep  8 22:41:20 1989
*** 193,199 ****
--- 193,205 ----
  					DefaultDepth(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)));
+ #ifdef VMS
+ #define	DEFAULT_FONT	"fixed"
+ #else
+ #define	DEFAULT_FONT	"9x15"
+ #endif
  Display	*dpy;
*** 201,216 ****
          /* Load up them font doggies. */
          if ((NormalFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, TitleBarFontName))==NULL)
!                 NormalFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, "9x15");
          if ((IconFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, IconFontName))==NULL)
!                 IconFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, "9x15");
  	if ((MenuTitleFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, MenuTitleFontName))==NULL)
!                 MenuTitleFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, "9x15");
          if ((MenuButtonFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(dpy,MenuButtonFontName))==NULL)
!                 MenuButtonFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, "9x15");
          /* Create a GC for drawing in the root window. */
--- 207,222 ----
          /* Load up them font doggies. */
          if ((NormalFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, TitleBarFontName))==NULL)
!                 NormalFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, DEFAULT_FONT);
          if ((IconFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, IconFontName))==NULL)
!                 IconFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, DEFAULT_FONT);
  	if ((MenuTitleFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, MenuTitleFontName))==NULL)
!                 MenuTitleFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, DEFAULT_FONT);
          if ((MenuButtonFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(dpy,MenuButtonFontName))==NULL)
!                 MenuButtonFontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, DEFAULT_FONT);
          /* Create a GC for drawing in the root window. */
diff -cN [.olwm-orig]makefile.vms [.olwm]makefile.vms
*** [.olwm-orig]makefile.vms	Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
--- [.olwm]makefile.vms	Sat Sep  9 16:10:41 1989
*** 0 ****
--- 1,73 ----
+ # 
+ #	(c) Copyright 1989 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun design patents
+ #	pending in the U.S. and foreign countries. See LEGAL_NOTICE
+ #	file for terms of the license.
+ #
+ #   	Written for Sun Microsystems by Crucible, Santa Cruz, CA.
+ #
+ #	@(#)Makefile 2.1 89/08/31
+ #
+ .c.obj:
+ 	def/user x11 decw$$include:;\
+ 	def/user sys sys$$library:;\
+ 	def/user c$$include sys$$library:;\
+ 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
+ SRC	= olwm.c AdFrame.c defaults.c CheckMap.c \
+ 	  RubberWin.c InitGraphics.c  WinInfo.c st.c \
+ 	  AdPushPin.c AdResize.c AdShineMark.c AdTitleBar.c \
+ 	  RootWin.c Icon.c Debug.c menu.c \
+ 	  AdFooter.c Select.c MenuWin.c Error.c usleep.c
+ OBJ	= olwm.obj, AdFrame.obj, defaults.obj, CheckMap.obj, \
+ 	  RubberWin.obj, InitGraphics.obj, WinInfo.obj, st.obj, \
+ 	  AdPushPin.obj, AdResize.obj, AdShineMark.obj, AdTitleBar.obj, \
+ 	  RootWin.obj, Icon.obj, Debug.obj, menu.obj, \
+ 	  AdFooter.obj, Select.obj, MenuWin.obj, Error.obj, usleep.obj
+ HEADERS	= menu.h olwm.h st.h
+ BITMAPS = bitmaps/icon.h bitmaps/llresize.h bitmaps/lrresize.h bitmaps/ok.h \
+ 	  bitmaps/pushpin.h bitmaps/pushpinin.h bitmaps/shinemark.h \
+ 	  bitmaps/ulresize.h bitmaps/urresize.h bitmaps/windowmark.h
+ MISC 	= .olwmmenu Readme Makefile
+ # To disable menu shadows (for servers that do not support SaveUnder)
+ # remove the -DSHADOW option from CPPFLAGS
+ OPT	= -O
+ CPPFLAGS = /def=("OL101088", "SHADOW") 
+ # this is pretty much every lint flag possible
+ PROGRAM = olwm.exe
+ LIBS	= -lX11
+ DISTDIR	= /home/dist/olwm
+ # .c.l:
+ # 	lint $(LINTFLAGS) $*.c > $*.l
+ all: $(PROGRAM)
+ dist: all
+ 	cp $(SRC) $(DISTDIR)
+ 	cp $(BITMAPS) $(DISTDIR)/bitmaps
+ 	cp $(MISC) $(DISTDIR)
+ clean:
+ 	rm -f $(OBJ) *.l
+ $(PROGRAM): $(OBJ)
+ 	link/exe=$@ $(OBJ), gnu_cc:[000000]xt/opt, sys$$share:vaxcrtl/opt
+ $(OBJ):		olwm.h menu.h
+ lint: $(OBJ)
+ 	lint $(LINTFLAGS) $(SRC)
diff -cN [.olwm-orig]olwm.c [.olwm]olwm.c
*** [.olwm-orig]olwm.c	Sat Sep  9 16:08:53 1989
--- [.olwm]olwm.c	Fri Sep  8 22:51:10 1989
*** 17,22 ****
--- 17,26 ----
  #include "menu.h"
  #include "olwm.h"
+ #ifdef VMS
+ #define	Exit	olwmExit
+ #endif
   * Externals
*** 335,340 ****
--- 339,345 ----
  	/* Initialize the database. */
  	WIInit( DefDpy );
+ #ifndef VMS
  	 * Force child processes to disinherit the TCP file descriptor.
  	 * This helps shell commands forked and exec'ed from menus
*** 345,350 ****
--- 350,356 ----
  		perror( "uwm: child cannot disinherit TCP fd" );
  		exit( -1 );
+ #endif
  	/* Set up the error handling function. */
*** 580,585 ****
--- 586,608 ----
  Menu	*menu;
  int	index;
+ #ifdef VMS
+ 	typedef struct {
+ 		int	l;
+ 		char	*a;
+ 	} DESC;
+ 	int		flag;
+ 	int		status;
+ 	DESC		cmd, input, output;
+ 	cmd.l = strlen(AppMenuStrs[index].execString);
+ 	cmd.a = AppMenuStrs[index].execString;
+ 	input.l = strlen("NL:");
+ 	input.a = "NL:";
+ 	flag = 1;			/* No wait */
+ 	status = lib$spawn(&cmd, &input, 0, &flag);
+ #else
  	char	*commArgv[4];
  	commArgv[0] = "/bin/sh";
*** 602,607 ****
--- 625,631 ----
+ #endif
diff -cN [.olwm-orig]usleep.c [.olwm]usleep.c
*** [.olwm-orig]usleep.c	Sat Sep  9 16:08:56 1989
--- [.olwm]usleep.c	Sat Sep  9 15:59:28 1989
*** 15,23 ****
--- 15,25 ----
   * needs.
+ #ifndef VMS
  #include <sys/types.h>
  #include <signal.h>
  #include <sys/time.h>
+ #endif
  #ifdef sun
  void olwm_do_nothing();
*** 29,34 ****
--- 31,71 ----
  	unsigned usec;
+ #ifdef VMS
+ 	static int	eventFlag = -1;
+ 	char		systim[80];
+ 	char		dot = '.';
+ 	int		quadTime[2];
+ 	int		day, hour, minute;
+ 	float		second = 0.0;
+ 	double 		t;
+ 	struct {
+ 		int	l;
+ 		char	*a;
+ 	} d;
+ 	/*
+ 		Convert milliseconds to hours:minutes:seconds.fracSeconds
+ 	*/
+ 	t = usec * .001;			/* convert to seconds */
+ 	if (!t)
+ 		t = 1.;
+ 	day = t/(60*60*24);
+ 	t -= day*(60*60*24);
+ 	hour = t/(60*60);
+ 	t -= hour*60*60;
+ 	minute = t/(60);
+ 	second = t-minute*60*60;
+ 	sprintf(systim, "%d %d:%d:%f", day, hour, minute, second);
+ 	d.l = strlen(systim);
+ 	d.a = systim;
+ 	sys$bintim(&d, quadTime);
+ 	if (eventFlag == -1)
+         	lib$get_ef(&eventFlag);
+ 	sys$setimr(eventFlag, quadTime, 0, 0);
+ 	sys$waitfr(eventFlag);
+ #else
  	struct itimerval	new, old;
  	struct sigvec		new_vec, old_vec;
*** 49,54 ****
--- 86,92 ----
  	/* restore previous values for SIGALRM handler and the real itimer */
  	sigvec(SIGALRM, &old_vec, 0);
  	setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &old, 0);
+ #endif
Angel Li
University of Miami/RSMAS

Internet: angel@flipper.miami.edu			UUCP: ncar!umigw!angel