[comp.windows.x] xkill kills twm

ychen@metasoft.UUCP (Yongdeng Chen) (09/15/89)

I attempted to kill my application by using xkill.  What ends up was
my application was still alive but twm got killed.  So I tried xkill
with xterm.  Again xkill kills the twm.

Is that a bug with twm, or a bug with xkill?

xkill does kill any application under uwm or without any window

--Yongdeng Chen		ychen%metasoft@bbn.com
  Meta Software Corporation               ychen%metasoft@bbn.com
  150 Cambridge Park Drive
  Cambridge, MA 02140                     (617) 576 - 6920

lee@iris.ucdavis.EDU (Peng Lee) (09/15/89)

I have the same problem with the hpwm too.  I tried to use the xlswin to
check things out, and it seems that hpwm overlay a window on the client
window.  The xkill usually send the kill to wm's window instead of the
window under it.  

-Peng (lee@iris.ucdavis.edu)

toml@Solbourne.COM (Tom LaStrange) (09/16/89)

> I attempted to kill my application by using xkill.  What ends up was
> my application was still alive but twm got killed.  So I tried xkill
> with xterm.  Again xkill kills the twm.

> Is that a bug with twm, or a bug with xkill?

Kind of both.  The versions of xkill and twm that you are most likely
running were written before the ICCCM was finalized.  xkill should go looking
for the window with the WM_STATE property on it rather than just kill
the top level window that it finds, which is owned by twm.  The version
of twm that you are probably running does not set the WM_STATE property,
so even if you fixed xkill, it wouldn't work with the twm that you have.

Wait till R4.

>xkill does kill any application under uwm or without any window

Right.  If you want to kill a window, you can easily do it with the
f.destroy function of twm,  it does the same thing that xkill does.

Tom LaStrange

Solbourne Computer Inc.    ARPA: toml@Solbourne.COM
1900 Pike Rd.              UUCP: ...!{boulder,nbires,sun}!stan!toml
Longmont, CO  80501