[net.news] Control of presentation sequence

wmartin@brl-vgr.ARPA (Will Martin ) (04/11/84)

Is there a way, perhaps by manipulating the .newsrc file, that
I can control the sequence the newsgroups are shown when I enter
simply "readnews"? Or is that set by the system administrators
for the whole system by the sequence of the system-level files?


wls@astrovax.UUCP (William L. Sebok) (04/12/84)

> Is there a way, perhaps by manipulating the .newsrc file, that
> I can control the sequence the newsgroups are shown when I enter
> simply "readnews"? Or is that set by the system administrators
> for the whole system by the sequence of the system-level files?

It is set by the system administrators for the whole system by the sequence
the newsgroups appear in the news "active" file.  This file may be found
at possibly one or more of the following:  ~news/active, /usr/lib/news/active,
or /usr/new/lib/news/active.
  Hopefully, maybe some future version of news will have some user settable
way of controlling one's own newsgroup order.  Anybody out there working on
Bill Sebok			Princeton University, Astrophysics

mcq@druxt.UUCP (04/12/84)


A couple months ago somebody said that they had made a fairly simple
modification to readnews making it use the order newsgroups appeared in
the .newsrc file.  I use my own news reader, and this is how I chose to
control it, also.  It seems to me that this is the natural mechanism, and
I would hope that it becomes the "official" one, if there ever is such a
thing.  Trouble is, existing readnews rearranges the order of the .newsrc
file, making it not even compatible with this convention.  Oh well.  I use
my own reader exclusively anyway, but it would be nice if it and readnews
could be used interchangably without little flakes.

			Bob McQueer

ka@hou3c.UUCP (Kenneth Almquist) (04/14/84)

Vnews 2.11 presents newsgroups in the order in which they appear in
the .newsrc file.  I don't know when (if?) 2.11 will be released, but
at any rate help is on its way.
				Kenneth Almquist