[comp.windows.x] Problems with X11R3 Xsun on a Sun 4/60

ekberg@osage.csc.ti.COM (09/18/89)

>>When we got our Sun 4/60's, we had some "problems" with Xsun.  The
>>mouse is much faster and the start of key repeat is much quicker.  The
>>key repeat problem is so bad that many users are often seeing double
>>key presses when they only intended one.

Here is a message I sent out in June.  I didn't really look at how the repeat
was being done, but the problem was resolved anyway.
We just went through that last week at our site.  The only way to change
the autorepeat rate values is to change the server/ddx/sun/sun.h file.
There are two constants defined there:

#define AUTOREPEAT_INITIATE	(200)		/* milliseconds */
#define AUTOREPEAT_DELAY	(50)		/* milliseconds */

We changed the 200 to 500 which matches the value for a VT100.  Many
people at our site noted that 0.2 sec is too fast -- especially when
pressing the D key to delete mail messages.

After changing the sun.h file you will need to rebuild the server.  A
better approach, would be to add a switch to the server which would
allow a user to pass in a value for this when they start up the server.

I have been using this version of the server and am quite happy with the
autorepeat initiate setting.
The thing to note here is that there is a delay for the keyboard loop, and a
delay to implement the autorepeat feature.  It may be that the delay for you
going through the keyboard loop on your older slower suns was a larger
percentage of time which when added to the .2 seconds for the autorepeat
initiate resulted in something closer to .5 seconds.  Now, with your newer and
faster suns, the delay going through the keyboard loop is a smaller fraction of
time which now causes the .2 second autorepeat initiate to be nearer to the
actual autorepeat initiate time.

Hope that helps.

  -- tom (aisle C-4L), ekberg@csc.ti.com