[comp.windows.x] trouble configuring xdm or worse

ian@BUCASB.BU.EDU (Ian Boardman) (10/15/89)

[This is a slightly edited copy of a message I posted around BU, which
eventually received the reply that I should post to xperts]

I am trying to configure xdm for the Center for Adaptive Systems at
BU, where we run 3 Sun386i's, 1 Sun4, and plan a dozen or so NCD
Xterminals to be talking to these hosts. I started from copies of the
various setup files in cs.bu.edu:/usr/lib/X11/xdm. I find that xterms
fired up from the ~/.xsession don't have their DISPLAY variable set as
claimed by our xterm man page. Now, xdm knows what the DISPLAY is,
since its in the Xserver file and nothing would work from xdm if it
didn't. So why doesn't xterm know it (or set it)?

I also find that twm popup menu commands (such as lauching an rlogin
in a new xterm) that worked when I launched X stuff by hand (i.e. sh
.xsession) aren't run now because the command can't be found. I assume
that xdm doesn't pass down the PATH it supposedly has been given in
the xdm-config file's DisplayManager.DISPLAY.userPath resource, else
this wouldn't occur. So it shows more evidence that some envariables
aren't being passed down to the shell that runs my ~/.xsession. Does
that sound right? What might cause that?

[later...] On further investigation it seems the problem is that the
sh exec'd from Xsession doesn't get the envariables supposedly
assigned by the DisplayManager.DISPLAY resources. If I ask twm to do
"set" (its running from the sh (1)), I find it has some basic defaults
for PATH, etc, rather than what was set in the DisplayManager
resources in xdm-config. So when twm is asked to "rxterm <host>" it
doesn't find rxterm cause the PATH in its shell (the one running twm)
wasn't set properly.  I tested and found that variables exported by a
sh (1) carry through to the exec'd sh. So it would seem that the
DISPLAY resources are not set when "exec /bin/sh $HOME/.xsession" is
performed. Although I get no errors about or due to improperly set
resources, that's where the trail has led me so far.

I am running some X11R3, and the binary runs on a Sun4, copied several
moons ago from bu-it.bu.edu. So if you know of related bugs in your
binaries please let me know. Thanks.

Any suggestions?