[comp.windows.x] remote xterms under OpenWindows 1.0

pusateri@macbeth.cs.duke.edu (Thomas J. Pusateri) (10/16/89)

I am trying to run an xterm on a Sun 4 from my Sun 3/60 workstation. I am
using Sun's OpenWindows 1.0 (beta2) X11/NeWS server and window manager.
but I always get the following error:

X Protocol error:  BadValue, integer parameter out of range for operation
  Major opcode of failed request:  2 (X_ChangeWindowAttributes)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  0
  Resource id in failed request:  0x600016
  Serial number of failed request:  54
  Current serial number in output stream:  55

Since I'm not too good at decoding these messages, anyone else want to try?
Has anyone else experienced these problems? 


Tom Pusateri
National Biomedical Simulation Resource
Duke University Medical Center


lemke@SUN.COM (Dave Lemke) (10/17/89)

  From:  macbeth!pusateri@cs.duke.edu  (Thomas J. Pusateri)
  Date:  16 Oct 89 14:15:07 GMT

  I am trying to run an xterm on a Sun 4 from my Sun 3/60 workstation. I am
  using Sun's OpenWindows 1.0 (beta2) X11/NeWS server and window manager.
  but I always get the following error:

  X Protocol error:  BadValue, integer parameter out of range for operation
    Major opcode of failed request:  2 (X_ChangeWindowAttributes)
    Minor opcode of failed request:  0
    Resource id in failed request:  0x600016
    Serial number of failed request:  54
    Current serial number in output stream:  55

  Since I'm not too good at decoding these messages, anyone else want to try?
  Has anyone else experienced these problems? 

it sounds like you're using a scrollbar with an xterm that's earlier
than X11R3 patchlevel 3.  it attempts to set a bogus DoNotPropagate
mask when creating its scrollbar, and x11news catches and complains
about the error, so xterm dies.

a fixed xterm is in OpenWindows FCS, or patch you R3 version.  
(or just run w/o a scrollbar until you can get a fixed version.)

Dave Lemke				ARPA: lemke@sun.com
Window Systems Group			UUCP: ucbvax!sun!lemke
Sun Microsystems, Inc.