[comp.windows.x] xterm mouse button bindings problem

morreale@bierstadt.ucar.edu (Peter Morreale) (10/18/89)

I'm experiencing some flakyness with "xterm"'s button bindings. I've
narrowed down the situation as best I can.

What happens is when I hit button 3 in the window, the window closes and
aborts.  (ie. the xterm is terminated)  

some notes about this.....

   1) If I hit button 1 *first*, then button three reacts as
      documented.  That is to say, the block of text up/down to the mouse
      cursor is highlighted.   Invariably, this always works. (ha!)

   2) If I first hit button three, (with the mouse cursor in the window
      for several seconds) invariably, the xterm is terminated.

   3) It appears to be *somewhat* random, in the last 15 or so "tests",
      13 aborted the window.

   4) I have the stderr directed to a file.  the file says: "xterm:
      Broken pipe".  (or something to that effect)

Note that for a long time I had twm bind button three to f.iconify in
the window.  I just recently acquired some other X stuff which uses
button three, so I have now unbound button three.

I just rebooted X and cannot get the error to repeat.  Note that in the
past I had "rebooted" twm using f.twm (when I had changed the button

Has anyone else had this problem? If so, can you suggest some patches?
I have a multitude of options set with with .Xresources and .twmrc.
(otherwise I would include the sources)

Oh Yeah, Sun 3-60M, SunOS release 4.0, X11R3, twm 1.2(?)

Please email, I don't read this group any more.  (too many postings, I 
was one of those fools that wanted to split to two groups) :-)

Peter W. Morreale                  email:  morreale@ncar.ucar.edu
Scientific Computing Division      voice:  (303) 497-1293
Consulting Office

swick@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ralph R. Swick) (10/18/89)

>   2) If I first hit button three, (with the mouse cursor in the window
>      for several seconds) invariably, the xterm is terminated.

Assuming you are using the default bindings, this action causes
xterm to attempt to extend the nearest end of the current selection
to the pointer position.  If this is the first thing you do, then
the other end of the selection is the first character in the
(scroll) buffer.  I'll bet you have a large saveLines resource
and that xterm is therefore trying to store a very large CUT_BUFFER0
property.  Xterm is buggy in that it doesn't intelligently handle
resource allocation failures of this nature...

jim@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (10/18/89)

	2) If I first hit button three, (with the mouse cursor in the window
	   for several seconds) invariably, the xterm is terminated.

    I'll bet you have a large saveLines resource
    and that xterm is therefore trying to store a very large CUT_BUFFER0
    property.  Xterm is buggy in that it doesn't intelligently handle
    resource allocation failures of this nature...

I'd say it sounds more like Peter is running stock R3 without public
patch #4 (available via ftp from expo or the xstuff mail server)....