[comp.windows.x] standard for pixmap description

david@ics.COM (David B. Lewis) (10/18/89)

Several months ago someone posted information on the development of
a standard for writing X pixmaps to files. As I recall, it had been named
PAX but was quickly renamed.

Does anyone know what has become of this effort?
Does anyone have the address of the people reponsible?

Thanks in advance.

David B. Lewis david@ics.com ics!david@buita.bu.edu david%ics.UUCP@buita.bu.edu

"No, I'm a member of the X User's Group, not the Ex-User's Group."

colas@trinidad.inria.fr (Colas Nahaboo) (10/19/89)

In article <3381@ics.COM>, david@ics.COM (David B. Lewis) writes:
> Several months ago someone posted information on the development of
> a standard for writing X pixmaps to files. As I recall, it had been named
> PAX but was quickly renamed.

We have renamed it XPM (X PixMap), and we call our bitmaps XBM (X BitMaps)

> Does anyone know what has become of this effort?

It is used by GWM and by the font editor xfedor (made by Daniel Dardailler
of the Koala team -- BULL Research). The C routines work but are not optimized
(slow), and only support 2 ascii chars for a color.

> Does anyone have the address of the people reponsible?

Colas NAHABOO       BULL Research FRANCE -- Koala Project 
                    (GWM X11 Window Manager)
    Internet:       daniel@mirsa.inria.fr, colas@mirsa.inria.fr
Surface Mail:       INRIA - Sophia Antipolis, 
                    2004, route des Lucioles, 06565 Valbonne Cedex -- FRANCE
 Voice phone:       (33), Fax: (33) 93 65 77 66, Telex: 97 00 50 F

And, if anybody else is interested, here is the code of the C routines
patterned along the Xlib ones for bitmaps. Take them, and may the source be
with you!

Feed the rest of this mail to /bin/sh:

cat > xpm.h << \END_OF_SHAR_FOR_xpm.h
/* Copyright 1989 GROUPE BULL -- See licence conditions in file COPYRIGHT */
 ****  Constant used in xpm library functions :
 ****  int XWritePixmapFile(dpy, cmap, filename, pixmap, w, h)
 ****  int XReadPixmapFile(dpy, d, cmap, filename, w, h, depth, pixmap)
 ****  Pixmap XCreatePixmapFromData(dpy, d, cmap, w, h, depth, n, c, col, pix)
 ****  Daniel Dardailler - Bull RC (89/02/22) e-mail: daniel@mirsa.inria.fr

#define XPM_FORMAT 1

/* we keep the same codes as for Bitmap management */
#ifndef _XUTIL_H_
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#define PixmapSuccess        BitmapSuccess 
#define PixmapOpenFailed     BitmapOpenFailed
#define PixmapFileInvalid    BitmapFileInvalid
#define PixmapNoMemory       BitmapNoMemory

typedef struct _Cixel {
     char c1,c2 ;
   } Cixel ;                    /* 2 chars for one pixel value */

typedef struct _CmapEntry {
     Cixel cixel ;               
     int red,green,blue ;
   } CmapEntry ;                    

#define MAXPRINTABLE 93             /* number of printable ascii chars 
				       minus \ and " for string compat. */

static char * printable = "
YTREWQ!~^/()_`'][{}|" ;
           /* printable begin with a space, so in most case, due to
	      my algorythm, when the number of different colors is
	      less than MAXPRINTABLE, it will give a char follow by 
	      "nothing" (a space) in the readable xpm file */

cat > xpm.c << \END_OF_SHAR_FOR_xpm.c
/* Copyright 1989 GROUPE BULL -- See licence conditions in file COPYRIGHT */
 ****  Read/Write package for XPM file format (X PixMap) 
 ****  int    XWritePixmapFile(dpy, cmap, filename, pixmap, w, h)
 ****  int    XReadPixmapFile(dpy, d, cmap, filename, w, h, depth, pixmap)
 ****  Pixmap XCreatePixmapFromData(dpy, d, cmap, w, h, depth, n, c, col, pix)
 ****  Daniel Dardailler - Bull RC (89/02/22) e-mail: daniel@mirsa.inria.fr

 **** Look of XPM file : .. something like X11 'C includable' format

#define drunk_format 1
#define drunk_width 18
#define drunk_height 21
#define drunk_ncolors 4
#define drunk_chars_per_pixel 2
static  char * drunk_colors[] = {
". " , "#A800A800A800",
"X " , "White",
"o " , "#540054005400"  
} ;
static char * drunk_pixels[] = {
"                                    ",
"                                    ",
"            . . . . . . .           ",
"          X         . . . .         ",
"        X     X       . . . .       ",
"      o         X       . . .       ",
"    o o     X           . . . .     ",
"  o o o               . . . . .     ",
"o o o               . . . . . .     ",
"o o o                   . . . .     ",
"  X                 X   . . .       ",
"  X   X               . . . .       ",
"    X               . . . .         ",
"    X                 . .           ",
"      X                   X X X     ",
"        X X X               X   X   ",
"              X           X X       ",
"            X X X       X X         ",
"          X       X X X             ",
"      X X                           ",
"                                    " 
} ;

*  Version 1 can handle a variable number of chars per pixel
*  - for each different color : n chars can represent the pixel value 
*    and is associed with red, green and blue intensity or colorname.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>

#include "xpm.h"      /* PixmapOpenFailed, PixmapSuccess .. MAXPRINTABLE */

 * Write a X Color Pixmap through a specified colormap
int XWritePixmapFile(display, colormap, filename, pixmap, width, height)
     Display * display;
     Colormap  colormap ;
     char *filename;
     Pixmap pixmap;
     unsigned int width, height;
   XImage *image;                /* client image */
   FILE *stream;
   char *name, *stripname;     

   int ncolors = 0 ;             /* number of different colors */

   CmapEntry * cmap ;            /* indexed by ncolors, 
				    dynamicaly allocated by width */

   Cixel * Map ;                 /* should be [width][height] */
   int i,j,p ;

   XColor * colors ;

   int MaxCixel ;               /* theorytical max */

   if (!filename) return(PixmapOpenFailed);
   stripname = (char *) malloc(strlen(filename));
   if (stripname == NULL)
     return PixmapNoMemory ;

   strcpy(stripname,filename);           /* no more use of filename */

   /* extract the short name of the pixmap */
   if (!(name = (char *)rindex(stripname, '/')))
     name = stripname;

   if (!(stream = fopen(stripname, "w")))

   if (stripname = (char *)index(name, '.'))
     *stripname = '\0' ;                  /* modify both name and stripname */

   /* Convert pixmap to an image in client memory */
   image = XGetImage(display, pixmap, 0,0,width, height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);

   /* calcul of ncolors, cmap, Map in a while */
   colors = (XColor *) malloc(width*sizeof(XColor));
   cmap = (CmapEntry *) malloc(MAXPRINTABLE*sizeof(CmapEntry)); 
   Map = (Cixel *) malloc(sizeof(Cixel)*width*height);

   if ((colors == NULL) || (cmap == NULL) || (Map == NULL))
     return PixmapNoMemory ;


   for (j=0 ; j<height ; j++) {
     for (i=0; i<width ; i++) colors[i].pixel = XGetPixel(image,i,j) ;
     /* ask server for rgb values line by line */
     XQueryColors(display,colormap,colors,width);  /* return : colors */
     for (i=0; i<width ; i++) {
       for (p=0; p<ncolors; p++)
	 if ((colors[i].red   == cmap[p].red) &&
	     (colors[i].green == cmap[p].green) &&
	     (colors[i].blue  == cmap[p].blue)) {  /* already present */
	   *(Map + j*width + i) = cmap[p].cixel ;
	   break ;                     /* stop with p < ncolors */
       if (p == ncolors) {             /* new rgb value in cmap */
	 cmap[ncolors].red = colors[i].red ;
	 cmap[ncolors].green = colors[i].green ;
	 cmap[ncolors].blue = colors[i].blue ;
	 cmap[ncolors].cixel.c1 = printable[ncolors % MAXPRINTABLE];
	 cmap[ncolors].cixel.c2 = printable[ncolors / MAXPRINTABLE];
	 *(Map + j*width + i) = cmap[ncolors].cixel ;  
	 if (ncolors < MaxCixel) ncolors++ ;
	 if (ncolors % MAXPRINTABLE)          /*  => much memory for cmap */
	   cmap = (CmapEntry *) realloc((char*)cmap,
	   if (cmap == NULL)
	     return PixmapNoMemory ;

   /* Write out standard header */
   fprintf(stream, "#define %s_format %d\n",name,XPM_FORMAT);
   fprintf(stream, "#define %s_width %d\n",name,width);
   fprintf(stream, "#define %s_height %d\n",name,height);
   fprintf(stream, "#define %s_ncolors %d\n",name,ncolors);
   fprintf(stream, "#define %s_chars_per_pixel %d\n",name,2);

   fprintf(stream, "static char * %s_colors[] = {\n",name);

   for (i=0; i<ncolors ; i++) {
     fprintf(stream, "\"%c%c\" , \"#%X%X%X\"",
     if (i != (ncolors - 1)) fprintf(stream,",\n"); else
   fprintf(stream, "} ;\n");
   fprintf(stream, "static char * %s_pixels[] = {\n",name);

   for (j=0; j<height ; j++) {
     fprintf(stream, "\"");
     for (i=0; i<width ; i++) 
       fprintf(stream, "%c%c", (*(Map + j*width + i)).c1,
	       (*(Map + j*width + i)).c2);
     if (j != (height - 1)) fprintf(stream,"\",\n"); else

   fprintf(stream, "} ;\n");

   free(Map) ;

   return PixmapSuccess ;

/* following routines are used in XReadPixmapFile() function */

 * read the next line and jump blank lines 
static char *
     char * s ;
     FILE * pF ;
    s = fgets(s,256,pF);

    while (s) {
	int len = strlen(s);
	if (len && s[len-1] == '\015')
	    s[--len] = '\0';
	if (len==0) s = fgets(s,256,pF);
	else break;

 * fatal message : return code, no exit 
static int fatal(msg, p1, p2, p3, p4)
    char *msg;
    fprintf(stderr, msg, p1, p2, p3, p4);
    return PixmapFileInvalid ;

 *  Read a Pixmap file in a X Pixmap with specified depth and colormap
int XReadPixmapFile (display,d,colormap,filename,width,height,depth,pixmap)
     Display *display;
     Drawable d;
     Colormap colormap ;
     char *filename;
     unsigned int *width, *height;       /* RETURNED */
     int depth ;   
     Pixmap *pixmap;                     /* RETURNED */
  GC Gc ;
  XGCValues xgcv;

  FILE *fstream;			/* handle on file  */
  char linebuf[256] ;
  char namebuf[256];
  char type[256];
  char name[256];

  int ncolors ;

  CmapEntry * cmap ;           
  int * Tpixel ;

  char c1, c2, c;
  int red, green, blue ;
  XColor xcolor ;
  int i,j,p;

  if ((fstream = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
    return PixmapOpenFailed;

  if ((sscanf(linebuf, "#define %[^_]%s %d", namebuf, type, &p) != 3) 
      || ((strcmp("_format",type)) && (strcmp("_paxformat",type)))
      || (p != XPM_FORMAT)) 
    return fatal("bad '#define NAME_format 1'"); 
  else strcpy(name,namebuf);

  if ((sscanf(linebuf, "#define %[^_]%s %d", namebuf, type, width) != 3)
      || (strcmp(name,namebuf)) 
      || (strcmp("_width",type))) 
	return fatal("bad '#define NAME_width w'");

  if ((sscanf(linebuf, "#define %[^_]%s %d", namebuf, type, height) != 3)
      || (strcmp(name,namebuf)) 
      || (strcmp("_height",type))) 
	return fatal("bad '#define NAME_height w'");

  if ((sscanf(linebuf, "#define %[^_]%s %d", namebuf, type, &ncolors) != 3)
      || (strcmp(name,namebuf)) 
      || (strcmp("_ncolors",type))) 
	return fatal("bad '#define NAME_ncolors w'");

    return fatal("Too many different colors, version 1");

  if ((sscanf(linebuf, "#define %[^_]%s %d", namebuf, type, &p) != 3)
      || (strcmp(name,namebuf)) || (p != 2)
      || (strcmp("_chars_per_pixel",type)))
	return fatal("bad '#define NAME_chars_per_pixel 2'");

  if ((sscanf(linebuf, "static char * %[^_]%s = {",namebuf,type) != 2)
      || (strcmp(name,namebuf))
      || (strcmp("_colors[]",type))) 
	return fatal("bad 'static char * NAME_colors[] = {'");

  cmap = (CmapEntry *) malloc(ncolors*sizeof(CmapEntry)) ;
  Tpixel = (int *) malloc(ncolors*sizeof(int)) ;
  if ((cmap == NULL) || (Tpixel == NULL))
    return PixmapNoMemory ;

  for (i=0; i<ncolors ; i++) {
    if (sscanf(linebuf, "\"%c%c\" , \"%[^\"]%s",
	       namebuf,type) != 4)
      return fatal("bad colormap entry : must be '\"cC\" , \"colordef\",'"); 
    if ((index(printable,c1)) &&
	(index(printable,c2))) {
      cmap[i].cixel.c1 = c1 ;
      cmap[i].cixel.c2 = c2 ;
      if (!XParseColor(display,colormap,namebuf,&xcolor))
	return fatal("bad colordef specification : #RGB or colorname");
      Tpixel[i] = xcolor.pixel ;
    } else
      return fatal("bad cixel value : must be printable");

  if (strncmp(linebuf, "} ;",3))
    return fatal("missing '} ;'");

  if ((sscanf(linebuf, "static char * %[^_]%s = {",namebuf,type) != 2)
      || (strcmp(name,namebuf))
      || (strcmp("_pixels[]",type))) 
	return fatal("bad 'static char * NAME_pixels[] = {'");

  *pixmap = XCreatePixmap(display,d,*width,*height,depth);
  Gc = XCreateGC(display,*pixmap,0,&xgcv);
  j = 0 ;
  while((j < *height) && strncmp(linebuf, "} ;",3)) {  
    if (strlen(linebuf) < (2*(*width)+2)) 
      return fatal("bad pixmap line length %d",strlen(linebuf));
    for (i=1; i<(2*(*width)) ; i+=2) {
      c1 = linebuf[i] ;
      c2 = linebuf[i+1] ;
      for (p = 0 ; p < ncolors ; p++)
	if ((cmap[p].cixel.c1 == c1)&&(cmap[p].cixel.c2 == c2)) break ;
      if (p != ncolors)
	return fatal("cixel %c%c not in previous colormap",c1,c2);
      XDrawPoint(display,*pixmap,Gc,i/2,j) ;
    j++ ;

  if (strncmp(linebuf, "} ;",3))
    return fatal("missing '} ;'");

  if (j != *height)
    return fatal("%d too few pixmap line", *height - j);

  free(cmap) ;
  free(Tpixel) ;
  fclose(fstream) ;
  return PixmapSuccess ;

 *  This function allows you to include in your C program (using #include)
 *  a pixmap file in XPM format that was written by XWritePixmapFile
Pixmap XCreatePixmapFromData(display, d, colormap, width, height, depth, 
			      ncolors, chars_per_pixel, colors, pixels)
     Display *display;
     Drawable d;
     Colormap colormap ;
     unsigned int width, height;       
     int depth ;   
     unsigned int ncolors ;
     unsigned int chars_per_pixel ;
     char ** colors ;           /* array of colormap entries  "cc","#RRGGBB" */
     char ** pixels ;           /* array of pixels lines    "cc..cc00cccc.." */
  Pixmap pixmap ;
  GC Gc ;
  XGCValues xgcv;

  CmapEntry * cmap ;           
  int * Tpixel ;

  char c1, c2, c;
  int red, green, blue ;
  XColor xcolor ;
  int i,j,p;
    return fatal("Too many different colors, version 1");

  if (chars_per_pixel != 2) 
    return fatal("version 1 handle only 2 chars_per_pixel");

  /* now we construct cmap and Tpixel from colors array parameter */
  cmap = (CmapEntry *) malloc(ncolors*sizeof(CmapEntry)) ;
  Tpixel = (int *) malloc(ncolors*sizeof(int)) ;
  if ((cmap == NULL) || (Tpixel == NULL))
    return PixmapNoMemory ;

  if (!colors) return fatal("colors not defined");

  for (i=0; i<2*ncolors ; i+=2) {
    if (sscanf(colors[i],"%c%c", &c1,&c2) != 2)
      return fatal("bad colormap entry : must be '\"cC\" , \"colordef\",'"); 
    if ((index(printable,c1)) &&
	(index(printable,c2))) {
      cmap[i/2].cixel.c1 = c1 ;
      cmap[i/2].cixel.c2 = c2 ;
      if (!XParseColor(display,colormap,colors[i+1],&xcolor))
	return fatal("bad colordef specification : #RGB or colorname");
      Tpixel[i] = xcolor.pixel ;
    } else
      return fatal("bad cixel value : must be printable");

  pixmap = XCreatePixmap(display,d,width,height,depth);
  Gc = XCreateGC(display,pixmap,0,&xgcv);

  if (!pixels) return fatal("pixels not defined");
  j = 0 ;
  while (j < height) {  
    if (strlen(pixels[j]) != (2*width))
      return fatal("bad pixmap line length %d",strlen(pixels[j]));
    for (i=0; i< (2*width) ; i+=2) {
      c1 = pixels[j][i] ;
      c2 = pixels[j][i+1] ;
      for (p = 0 ; p < ncolors ; p++)
	if ((cmap[p].cixel.c1 == c1)&&(cmap[p].cixel.c2 == c2)) break ;
      if (p != ncolors)
	return fatal("cixel %c%c not in previous colormap",c1,c2);
      XDrawPoint(display,pixmap,Gc,i/2,j) ;
    j++ ;

  free(cmap) ;
  free(Tpixel) ;
  return pixmap ;


david@ics.COM (David B. Lewis) (10/19/89)

In article <3381@ics.COM>, david@ics.COM (David B. Lewis) writes:
> Several months ago someone posted information on the development of
> a standard for writing X pixmaps to files. As I recall, it had been named
> PAX but was quickly renamed.
> Does anyone know what has become of this effort?
> Does anyone have the address of the people reponsible?

Daniel Dardailler of the BULL Centre de Sophia Antipolis has forwarded
details of his XPM text-based pixmap-description scheme to me.
David B. Lewis david@ics.com ics!david@buita.bu.edu david%ics.UUCP@buita.bu.edu
Some financial models, on the other hand, yield a positive societal value for a
pack of cigarettes: smokers ... inflate group life-insurance premiums, but they
tend to die before costing society much in pensions or nursing-home care. - SA