[comp.windows.x] two questions: one re: AWM, other re: XtPopup

spencer@heinlein.osc.edu (Stephen N. Spencer) (10/28/89)

[please respond to one of the email addresses listed in my .signature...]

I have two questions.  Background: Sun 3/60, Sun OS 4.0, XV11.R3

1) I use 'awm'.  Every once in awhile, (it happened twice this morning, but
   it hadn't happened in several weeks before that...) while I am typing 
   the type on the screen will become all caps (not that which I've typed
   before, but any new type).  Pressing the 'Caps Lock' key does no good.
   The only thing I've found which works is getting OUT of X and getting
   back in.  (I don't have X start automatically upon login, so exiting X
   takes me back to the 'large type' prompt on the console.)

   Any ideas on why this happens and how I can fix it so it doesn't happen
   again?  I don't hit the Caps Lock key or other keys (to my knowledge)
   by accident.  Could I be typing too fast?

2) Window managers often have some facility to send an XKillClient() call
   to the process running in a window-managed window.  (for example, I have
   a program 'foo' which, when running, will be wrapped in an 'awm' window).
   I have, inside 'foo' a popup shell which contains various things the 
   user can access (buttons and the like).  I put the popup up with a call
   to XtPopup(tpopup, XGrabNone) because I don't want the popup to have 
   exclusive control while it's up.  (Sort of like a tear-off menu on the Mac
   which stays around and allows interaction both with it and the rest of 
   the program until you tell it to go away)

   Here's the problem:  if (a) the popup is popped up, and (b) I use the 
   'kill' awm gadget to send an XKillClient() to 'foo', I get knocked out
   of X.  If the popup isn't up at the time, the program exits normally.

   My question is this:  how can my application 'foo' KNOW when 'awm' has
   sent an XKillClient()?  Barring that, can I pop up and down that popup
   window in a different manner so I don't get booted out of X if the 
   program is killed while the popup is up?  Perhaps use XtNmappedWhenManaged
   being set to True to 'pop' the window up and False to 'pop' the window
   down?  This just occurred to me, I haven't tried it.

Thanks for any suggestions you all out there might have.  Looking back, it's
a bit long-winded, but I needed to describe the problems enough that perhaps
someone can help me.  
Stephen N. Spencer      |"For a successful technology, reality must take
ACCAD, 1224 Kinnear Rd. | precedence over public relations, for Nature
Columbus OH 43212       | cannot be fooled."     - Richard P. Feynman
spencer@heinlein.cgrg.ohio-state.edu OR spencer@cis.ohio-state.edu