[comp.windows.x] Conversion for Interleaf/OPS

laura@shanti.sybase.com (Laura Duggan) (10/31/89)

Looking for help:  We have a large library of documents prepared
using Interleaf OPS, which has both text and graphics.  We would
now like to be able to run on a terminal OTHER than the console and
OPS is restricted to the console of the SUN.

Does anyone know any of the following answers:

  can we fake out Interleaf OPS to run on some other terminal?
  can we run Interleaf OPS under Xwindows on an X terminal?
  I know FRAME runs on X and would be will to use it instead, but
  does anyone have a program which would convert all our 
  files (including Graphics) to Frame ?

 Does anyone have any other software (or hardware) solution
 that would allow us to run on X terminals and still salvage
 the investment in our current documents? 

	Thank you!!