[comp.windows.x] OSF/Motif licensing

vania@osf.ORG (Vania Joloboff) (11/07/89)

Hein{nen Juha <eru!luth!sunic!tut!jh@bloom-beacon.mit.edu> writes:

>The educational agreement didn't seem to allow us to redistribute
>Motif binaries by paying $40 each to OSF as the regular one seemed to
>do.  So is OSF now trying to say to us that because you are a
>university you don't have any rights but still have to pay the same
>$1000 as anybody else?

>Is OSF Germany messing things up or is the OSF Motif policy really so

The educational license is intended as a good deal for the
universities, to keep costs low to encourage widespread
usage of the technology.

Universities qualify for a limited site license. This means
they can copy source and disseminate binaries for internal
use (within the univ. campus) without incurring royalty
fees, as outlined in the educational organization agreement. 
If they intend to sell or otherwise distribute binaries, they 
would pay the $40 or whatever just like anyone else.

If you *want* to pay $40 per binary copy when you don't *have* to -
we'll take your money, no problem -:)

Next time, would you be so kind as to politely ask for information
when you need it.


OSF/Motif Hassle Manager.

jh@TUT.FI (11/07/89)

   If you *want* to pay $40 per binary copy when you don't *have* to -
   we'll take your money, no problem -:)

The educational license agreement doesn't mention about this
possibility.  I'm still very confused about which license we should

-- Juha Heinanen