tbray@mprvaxa.UUCP (Tim Bray) (06/03/84)
x <-- part of the problem Look, it works. It could work better but it works. I understand groups of people here and there are working on making it work better. Somebody, somewhere, seems to be willing to pay Mark to do the job. Mark seems to be willing to do it - at least he hasn't quit yet. Mark is doing a good job, beating back offenders with tact and encouraging good ideas when they arise. I personally once solicited advice from him on a thorny "where to post this?" problem, and received a prompt and helpful reply. It can't last, but while it works, let's not tinker with it. I mean, I've got all sorts of ideas for improvements to the 'ls' command, too, but... Give the man an ermine sash and silicon sceptre, I say. Tim Bray ...ihnp4!alberta!ubc-vision!mprvaxa!tbray ...decvax!microsoft!ubc-vision!mprvaxa!tbray