[comp.windows.x] menus vs window-managers in X11

seitz@avalon.Berkeley.EDU (Steve Seitz) (11/08/89)

I am trying to implement pop-up and pull-down menus in X11 (using clx).  My 
problem is that the window-manager (eg. twm) intercepts my create requests
and reparents the menus, putting titles on them, etc.  Is there some sort of 
hint which says something of the sort "leave this window alone"?  If so, what
other related window-manager hints are there that I can use for other tool-kit
objects (dialogs, etc).  Is there a set of "standard" hints (ie. hints which work
with most/any window-manager)?
Thanks in advance,
-Steve Seitz

rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (11/08/89)

    Is there some sort of 
    hint which says something of the sort "leave this window alone"?

Use :override-redirect :on.

    If so, what
    other related window-manager hints are there that I can use for other tool-kit
    objects (dialogs, etc).  Is there a set of "standard" hints (ie.
hints which work
    with most/any window-manager)?

Read the ICCCM, available from expo via anonymous ftp and xstuff mail daemon.

bruce@servio.UUCP (Bruce Schuchardt) (11/14/89)

In article <19274@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU> seitz@avalon.Berkeley.EDU (Steve Seitz) writes:
>I am trying to implement pop-up and pull-down menus in X11 (using clx).  My 
>problem is that the window-manager (eg. twm) intercepts my create requests
>and reparents the menus, putting titles on them, etc.  Is there some sort of 
>hint which says something of the sort "leave this window alone"?  If so, what

What kind of shell are you using?  Try an OverrideShell.

  Bruce Schuchardt          Ph: (503) 629-8383
  Servio Logic              bruce@servio.SLC.COM
  Beaverton, OR             uunet!servio!bruce