[comp.windows.x] two new X-Windows books

rick@hanauma (Richard Ottolini) (11/10/89)

I've recently seen "X-Windows Protocol", volume zero in the O'Reilly series,
and "XView Programming", preliminary draft in the O'Reilly series.
Volume zero would be mostly of interest to people who are writing servers
rather than applications.
We are eagerly awaiting promised volumes four and five about toolkit

linda@ora.ora.com (Linda Walsh) (11/15/89)

From article <6492@portia.Stanford.EDU>, by rick@hanauma (Richard Ottolini):
> I've recently seen "X-Windows Protocol", volume zero in the O'Reilly series,
> and "XView Programming", preliminary draft in the O'Reilly series.
> Volume zero would be mostly of interest to people who are writing servers
> rather than applications.
> We are eagerly awaiting promised volumes four and five about toolkit
> programming.

Volumes 4 and 5, "X Toolkit Programming Manual" and "X Toolkit
Reference Manual" are in final production and looking terrific!  
They'll be available the first of January.  Promise.  

We're also planning to rewrite these books using Motif examples
(currently they include Athena widget examples only).  
The Motif version should be available in the spring.

A new "Widget Reference Manual", also slated for release in the
spring, will cover Open Look, Motif and Athena widgets.  

Do your receive our catalog?  If not, send me your postal address
and I'll see that it gets included in our X mailing list.

Linda Walsh (617) 354-5800
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., Publishers of Nutshell Handbooks
90 Sherman Street, Cambridge, MA 02140
UUCP:	uunet!ora!linda      ARPA:   linda@ora.uu.net


> Do your receive our catalog?  If not, send me your postal address
> and I'll see that it gets included in our X mailing list.
I am interested in when the toolkit books are available.  Please send
catalog when available.
R.N. Robson
School of Computer Science
University of New Brunswick
P.O. Box 4400,
Fredericton, N.B.
Canada, E3B 5A3