[comp.windows.x] problems with MOTIF rowcolumn widget

ries@venice.SEDD.TRW.COM (Marc Ries) (11/18/89)

Hello anybody,

I recently stumbled into some sticky rowcolumn widget problem and was
wondering if anybody out there had some intelligent solution.

My parent widget is a form widget which has the three children widget.
This children widgets are one rowcolumn widget followed by two text
widgets.  This row column widget contains some button gadgets. What I
really want to do is to make this row column as big as possible to hold
all my buttons (This may be more than one row) and fill up the form
parent widget with the other two text widgets. However, I couldn't find
a civilized way to resize the rowcolumn widget to fit my need. I've
tried fiddling around with some resize properties, but it does not work
the way I want it. Anybody out there have some educated guess or

Marc Ries
           ries@venice.sedd.trw.com     (ARPA)
           somewhere!trwind!venice!ries (UUCP)
           #include <std.disclaimer>