[comp.windows.x] MIT X11R3 and XT+ on a Sun386i

75046.606@CompuServe.COM (Larry W. Virden) (11/27/89)

I am looking for help, comfort, support, warnings, cajoling, or what
ever can be provided in relation to the bringing up of XT+ on a Sun386i,
under SunOS 4.0.2 .  Eventually, we want to be running under X11/NeWS,
but probably initially we are going to be starting with the MIT X11R3
tape, with the n patches that have been officially sanctioned.  No
special contrib software that I am aware of needing will be built
initially.  After the MIT stuff is built we want to build the XT+ software,
window manager, etc.

Please feel free to hurry answers along, since I am untaring the MIT tape
even as I type!