jeff@aspect.UUCP (Jeff Rosler) (12/02/89)
I am trying to determine whether or not to use the Motif UIL in an application that I will be starting on soon, but I am worried about the performance of this application upon initialization. It appears that using the UIL to instantiate widgets and literals can take quite a long time. Does anyone know how much of a pain the performance limitations are? I realize that you can instantiate widgets as you need them, but from what I've seen so far the performance is still pretty bad even if you don't have many widgets. Also, using the UIL seems to be a good way to modularize string literals so as to make internationalization easier. If you put all of your string literals in UIL files, however, fetching them at initialization can take a while also. I'd appreciate any input on this subject. Thanks. *********************************************************************** Jeff Rosler Aspect Telecommunications 1730 Fox Drive San Jose, CA 95131-2312