(Sandy Miller) (12/05/89)
I am trying to associate an action routine with the value field (input line) of a dialog widget, and was wondering if anyone has done this before. I have a simple dialog widget which prompts the user to enter a filename. There are two command buttons for the user to "confirm" or "cancel" the filename, and these work fine. But I would also like to process the filename if the user types a carriage return, in the same way I process it if the confirm button is pressed. I can associate an action routine with the dialog widget, but that doesn't work for actions inside the "value" widget. Anyone have any ideas?? Thanks in advance for any help, -Sandy
meo@stiatl.UUCP (Miles O'Neal) (12/06/89)
In article <> (Sandy Miller) writes: |I am trying to associate an action routine with the value field (input |line) of a dialog widget, and was wondering if anyone has done this before. |I have a simple dialog widget which prompts the user to enter a filename. |There are two command buttons for the user to "confirm" or "cancel" |the filename, and these work fine. But I would also like to process |the filename if the user types a carriage return, in the same way I |process it if the confirm button is pressed. I can associate an action |routine with the dialog widget, but that doesn't work for actions inside |the "value" widget. Anyone have any ideas?? We cheat. But this will work. We created a file with routines that return the widget pointers for subwidgets of the packaged widgets we created (including an enhanced Dialog widget). So you can override translations using asomething like W = GetDialogTextPtr (dialogWidgetPtr); XtOverrideTranslations (W, (XtTranslations)XtParseTranslationTable (IT)); The GetDialogTextPtr() basically just returns the appropriate pointer, using the DialogP.h file to get the structure. -Miles O'Neal {yr fave backbone here}!emory!stiatl!meo