[comp.windows.x] SCO ODT display drivers : need Wyse 7190

sergio@squid.rtech.com (Sergio Aponte) (12/12/89)

	SCO OpenDesktop, on an Everex 386/25, with a Wyse 7190 HR display

	This display is compatible with Wyse 700 or hercules HGA. The best
	resolution should be 1280 x 1024, but the best I get with the drivers
	supplied is 720x350, wich looks terrible.

	Now, all this is controlled by files in the /usr/lib/grafinfo, were
	there are subdirectories for different manufacturers. Under the Hercules
	directory, there is a file "mono.xgi". This file contains Info copyright
	by Metagraphics Software Corp.

	I am cross posting this to X, because the software being initialized is 
	Xsight. It uses this line : hercules.mono.hga.720x350-2 to initialize
	the display.

	I copied the mono.xgi, and changed the number of x/y pixels, but all I
	get is it wraps, since I am sending the right number of pixels but the
	card still thinks is running on the wrong resolution.

	1) Is one of the other drivers compatible with my Wyse display/card. I
	have tried several but they lock up the machine and I have to re-boot
	every time.

	2) Is there a way to write a wyse.xgi file? Is this documented
	somewhere? What kind of info goes in there? Given the hercules HGA
	does display, what should I change to make it go to a higher resolution?

	Thanks for any/all info. Post or e-mail, I'll keep an eye. If I get 
	important info via e-mail, I'll post it for the benefit of the NET.

| Internet: sergio@squid.rtech.com       Sergio L. Aponte, MTS @ Ingres Corp. |
| UUCP: {sun,mtxinu,pyramid,pacbell,hoptoad,amdahl,cpsc6a}!rtech!squid!sergio |