(Ross Parker) (12/16/89)
One more question... Are winterp lisp functions only capable of calling other winterp lisp functions, or can I build a library of 'C' callbacks that are called by winterp lisp functions? Ross Parker (604)293-5495 uunet!ubc-cs!mpre!parker
jonnyg@AARDVARK.UMD.EDU (Jon Greenblatt) (12/17/89)
I also wrote an X environment in Xlisp. My environment is based on a small subset of the Xlib calls and was made compatable with MS Windows but the MS Windows port never became stable. The WINTERP solution is far better than what I have done in terms of richness of functionality and I highly suggest it as a good way to use X from lisp. Now in answer to Ross Parkers' questions. To learn how to use Xlisp and WINTERP if you are not already a lisp hacker will involve some extra materials. First you should purchase a good lisp book, I don't have any suggestions here because I became fluent in lisp 5 years ago. The next thing to read up on is the Xt intrinsics and the MOTIF docs. Porting C to lisp can be tricky for a lisp novice but the best thing to do is RTSL (Read the Source Luke). Once you become familiar with how most of the existing C fuctions are written you will probably be better able to create your own. Make sure local C pointers to lisp objects don't get garbage collected (most common error when doing this). Look at the different system dependent ports to the Xlisp code to see how functions are linked to the function lookup table (xlftab.?). Good luck, JonnyG.