[comp.windows.x] twm: Icon Manager Question

tbc@hp-lsd.COS.HP.COM (Tim Chambers) (12/14/89)

I'm unclear on the use of the twm icon manager to set my window focus.  My
keybindings (f.upiconmgr, f.raise, f.lower, etc.)  work in the icon manager,
and I can see the highlighting change in the named window, but nothing happens
in the highlighted window if I type when the cursor is on top of the icon
manager entry.

The man page sells the feature of changing focus and using f.raise, etc., in
the icon manager as helping me control my window environment "without ever
moving my hands from the keyboard."  I want it!  What am I missing?

tbc@hp-lsd.COS.HP.COM (Tim Chambers) (12/20/89)

Oops.  I thought this was release software.  Never mind.  I have a prerelease
process to follow.