[comp.windows.x] IBM RT AIX

smvorkoetter@daisy.waterloo.edu (Stefan M. Vorkoetter) (01/06/90)

I have here an IBM RT 6150 with a MegaPel display running
AIX 2.2 (revision 0).  I have just purchased AIX X-Windows
2.1 and installed it, but it does not work.

I get a message about not being able to access something
in SetUpWindow.  I also get:

aixwm: No such file or directory

I have had an Xpert look at it, and he cannot figure out 
what is wrong.  Anyone have any ideas?

On a related note, does anyone know if the standard X
distribution sources can be compiled and run successfully
under AIX on the RT?  Anything special to worry about?

Stefan Vorkoetter
Technical Manager
Waterloo Maple Software

Thanks in advance.