[comp.windows.x] TWM does no highlighting?

root@sun1.ruf.uni-freiburg.de (Martin Walter) (01/07/90)

At my Sun4/60 I am unabled to make TWM highlighting the
active window. My .twmrc file looks like:

    BorderColor "red"
    BorderTileForeground "green"
    BorderTileBackground "black"
BorderWidth     6

No borders were ever red. It doesn't matter, whether I use
/bin/cc with '-O' or without.

Any hints?
Internet: mawa@sun1.ruf.uni-freiburg.de     ( | Rechenzentrum Uni
X.400: G=martin;S=walter;OU=ruf;P=uni-freiburg;A=dbp;C=de | Freiburg, Germany

jim@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Jim Fulton) (01/09/90)

	At my Sun4/60 I am unabled to make TWM highlighting the active window.

It's a bug in R4 that slipped through the cracks.