[comp.windows.x] compilers

steven@pacific.csl.uiuc.edu (Steven Parkes) (01/09/90)

In article <9001082225.AA01547@expire.lcs.mit.edu>, rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU
(Bob Scheifler) writes:

> Why don't you just try using Sun's cc for now?  Does anyone really have
> evidence that gcc on the sparc gives a significant performance increase?

If I remember right, gcc on a sparc (as of 1.36) does not pass or return
structures correctly (as defined by the system libraries) even if you
use -fpcc-struct-return (see gcc 1.36 installation notes).
Under R3 this caused a problem with a libdbm call somewhere in the server.
I stopped using gcc.

I'm curious if anyone has compiled R4 under AOS for the RT.  I'm using
hc2.1s and though most of the server seems (very!) nice, there are some
bitblt-like functions used in magic (6.0 beta) that take the server off
into the trees.  I'm planning on going back and recompiling some of the
server core using pcc ...