[comp.windows.x] locating app-defaults

grunwald@FOOBAR.COLORADO.EDU (Dirk Grunwald) (01/08/90)


This is on a DECstation-3100.

I configured X11R4 such that everything falls under a single
directory, /usr/local/X11 ( making it easy to export ). My
app-defaults directory is in


I used the following defines in site.conf

#define BinDir /usr/local/X11/bin
#define UsrLibDir /usr/local/X11/lib
#define IncRoot /usr/local/X11/include
#define AdmDir /usr/local/X11/adm

My problem is that e.g. appres doesn't find resources in that directory,
but *does* find them in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults. An example follows.
I compiled appress using:

cc -o appres appres.o -O -Wf,-XNh2000 -Olimit 2000 -L/usr/local/X11/lib -lXt -lXext -lX11

so the X11R4 version of libXt.a should be include.

I determined that the problem was that lib/Xt/IntrinsicI.h defines
XFILESEARCHPATH with /usr/lib/X11 hard-coded, instead of using the
definition of UsrLibDir given above.

Searching through the Imake directory doesn't show an easy way to
over-ride this. It doesn't appear get set in the lib/Xt/Makefile.

Any clues? Should I simply change it by hand?

Script started on Sun Jan  7 13:13:49 1990
[foobar-1] ls -l /usr/local/X11/lib/X11/app-defaults/XFontSel
-r--r--r--  1 grunwald     2965 Jan  7 12:37 /usr/local/X11/lib/X11/app-defaults/XFontSel

[foobar-2] appres XFontSel
*background:	black
*doubleClickDelay:	250
*Font:	-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--14-140-75-75-m-90-iso8859-1
*language_preference1:	6
*language_preference2:	6
*Background:	black
*Foreground:	white
*BorderColor:	white
*Border:	white
*internalBorderColor:	white
*Scrollbar*Background:	white
*Scrollbar*Foreground:	black
*Command.ShapeStyle:	roundedrectangle
*highlight:	white
*borderColor:	white
*foreground:	white

[foobar-3] strings appres | grep usr

[foobar-4] ln -s /usr/local/X11/lib/X11/app-defaults/XFontSel /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XFontSel

[foobar-5] appres XFontSel
XFontSel.cursor:	left_ptr
*background:	black
*doubleClickDelay:	250
*fontName*skipAdjust:	true
*sampleText*allowResize:	true
*sampleText*Height:	50
*sampleText*Label:	\
*Font:	-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--14-140-75-75-m-90-iso8859-1
*language_preference1:	6
*language_preference2:	6
*Background:	black
*Foreground:	white
*BorderColor:	white
*Border:	white
*appDefaultsVersion:	1
*internalBorderColor:	white
*allowShellResize:	true
*Scrollbar*Background:	white
*Scrollbar*Foreground:	black
*commandBox.ShowGrip:	false
*commandBox*top:	chainTop
*commandBox*bottom:	chainTop
*Command.ShapeStyle:	roundedrectangle
*quitButton.Label:	quit
*quitButton.left:	chainLeft
*quitButton.right:	chainLeft
*ownButton.Label:	select
*ownButton.left:	chainLeft
*ownButton.right:	chainLeft
*ownButton.fromHoriz:	quitButton
*countLabel.Label:	999999 fonts match
*countLabel.left:	chainRight
*countLabel.right:	chainRight
*countLabel.BorderWidth:	0
*countLabel.Justify:	right
*fieldBox.Orientation:	horizontal
*fieldBox.HSpace:	0
*fieldBox*field9.Label:	resy
*fieldBox*field10.Label:	spc
*fieldBox*field11.menu.Options.ShowUnselectable:	False
*fieldBox*field11.Label:	avgWdth
*fieldBox*field12.Label:	rgstry
*fieldBox*field13.Label:	encdng
*fieldBox*MenuButton.BorderWidth:	0
*fieldBox*MenuButton.internalHeight:	0
*fieldBox*MenuButton.internalWidth:	0
*fieldBox*MenuButton.shapeStyle:	rectangle
*fieldBox*field0.Label:	fndry
*fieldBox*field1.Label:	fmly
*fieldBox*field2.Label:	wght
*fieldBox*field3.Label:	slant
*fieldBox*field4.Label:	sWdth
*fieldBox*field5.Label:	adstyl
*fieldBox*field6.Label:	pxlsz
*fieldBox*field7.Label:	ptSz
*fieldBox*field8.Label:	resx
*dash.label:	-
*dash.borderWidth:	0
*dash.internalHeight:	0
*dash.internalWidth:	0
*highlight:	white
*borderColor:	white
*foreground:	white

script done on Sun Jan  7 13:14:49 1990

rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (01/08/90)

    I determined that the problem was that lib/Xt/IntrinsicI.h defines
    XFILESEARCHPATH with /usr/lib/X11 hard-coded, instead of using the
    definition of UsrLibDir given above.

This bug was listed in the ERRATA file (along with a bogus fix).

    Should I simply change it by hand?

That's probably the easiest thing to do.

cmb@cs.mu.oz.au (Craig Brown) (01/10/90)

	Sorry cant talk long... too busy
	the easiest way is to make a link to the
	directory you want to put the app-defs in
	and call the directory /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults
	or whatever it is called!

	This way the version of X remains consistant with the

	By the way I am trying to work out
	how to make two windows open up on different displays
	and I am using the X Toolkit
	The problem is each time I do it - by opening to displays
	, the two displays seem to interact with each other,
	ie. one gets the background color of the other, or no background
	color at all for example.

	A solution ASAP would be much appreciated.

				Craig Brown (cmb@munmurra.cs.mu.OZ.AU)
				Melbourne University (Australia)