[comp.windows.x] Save Unders in X11R3

jne@goldhill.COM (01/11/90)

I'm running X11R3 sample server on a Sun3 and I'm not exactly
clear how save unders work.

I have a multiple toplevel window (Shell Widget) application,
each of whose Shell Widget has Save Under set to TRUE.

Now for the question.  How much really gets saved?  The problem
is that I am using Viewports and I want to make my virtual canvas
approx.  30000 by 30000.  Of course, only a few hundred by a few
hundred pixels are visible at a time.  However, when I obscure one
Shell with another, I blow completely out of X (the server crashes).
If I use more reasonable numbers like 1000x1000 this doesn't happen.

Is the server actually trying to remember 30000x30000 pixels?
Or at the very least, is it mallocing an array for the worst case.


Jeff Eisen
Gold Hill Computers

rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (01/11/90)

    Is the server actually trying to remember 30000x30000 pixels?

It is trying to malloc this much memory, yes.
"Don't DOOOOO that."