[comp.windows.x] building R4 contrib clients

morreale@bierstadt.ucar.edu (Peter Morreale) (01/11/90)

Got a problem building R4 contrib clients.  This is with pure R4. 
Obviously, these either don't exist anymore, or are somewhere else.
Any suggestions?

laplata<29>: make all
rm -f xconsole
cc -o xconsole console.o main.o -O  -L/xw/X11R4/src/mit/lib/Xaw -lXaw
-L/xw/X11R 4/src/mit/lib/Xmu -lXmu -L/xw/X11R4/src/mit/lib/Xt -lXt
/xw/X11R4/src/mit/extensions/lib/libXext.a -L/xw/X11R4/src/mit/lib/X -lX11
ld: Undefined symbol
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `xconsole'

I also want to add my two cents in about the absolutely wonderful  
work that was performed in the new release.  My experience with imake
and make was limited before tackling this build.  I am still marveling
over how easy it was to build.   Thanks  MIT, etc!!!!

This is GREAT stuff.

Peter W. Morreale                  email:  morreale@ncar.ucar.edu
Nat'l Center for Atmos Research    voice:  (303) 497-1293
Scientific Computing Division     
Consulting Office

rws@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Bob Scheifler) (01/11/90)

    Obviously, these either don't exist anymore, or are somewhere else.

It sure looks like -DXAW_BC didn't get passed during compilation.
Try remaking the xconsole/Makefile, and check it to make sure it
        DEFINES = -DXAW_BC
in it.  Then make clean and rebuild.

kit@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Chris D. Peterson) (01/11/90)

> Got a problem building R4 contrib clients.  This is with pure R4. 
> Obviously, these either don't exist anymore, or are somewhere else.
> Any suggestions?

Define the flag XAW_BC when building both your client and your Xaw libraries
to enable R3 Xaw clients to work on an R4 system.

						Chris D. Peterson     
						MIT X Consortium 

Net:	 kit@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Phone:   (617) 253 - 9608	
Address: MIT - Room NE43-213