[comp.windows.x] olwm and titlebars

svenole@vest.sdata.no (01/18/90)

Hey folks.

 I'm sitting here trying to get the  titlebars in the olwm windowmgr
a little bit bigger in heigt. At first i thought that olwm was smart
enough to depend on the size on the titlefont, but that's not so. Then 
I tried to change the size of the windowmark.h bitmap. I did this because
the windowmark_height is heavily used in the other files. Nothing
happened. As far as I know there isn't any other windowmark.h files 
laying around so the windowmark should get bigger (????), but no. It's
still 16x15 in size and the current windowmark.h file is 22x21 (????).
 At last i found what I was looking for. In the file "AdFrame.c" i found

#define TITLE_HEIGHT	16

I was very happy and chaged it to 25. The obvios reason is that i need
a bigger titlefont. Now my titlebar is as big as I wanted it to be, but
there is one more problem. The focuslines in the titlebar has the same
distance between them as before and that means that the lower line is
not showing. It's behind the titlename. I think I have found the code
where this line is drawn. The routine that draw this line is 

		olgx_draw_box()  (????)

in AdTitleBar.c.

The first question is:  Is there a easier way to set the height of the titlebar.
And the second       :  If not, can someone out there give me some
			input on what to do to get this focusline down
			under the title???
The last	     :  Why is the windowmark.h figure in the upper left
			corner still 16x15 when I repainted and saved it 
			in size 22x21.
Sven Ole Skrivervik		tlf.	+47 5 321730
Skrivervik Data A/s		fax.	+47 5 322853
Thormohlensgt. 55		
N-5008 Bergen			E-mail: svenole@sdata.no