[comp.windows.x] colormap problem on sparcstation 1

lco@duke.cs.duke.edu (Louis C. Olszyk) (02/01/90)

We use SPARCstations 1's running SunOS4.0.3 and cg3 color monitors.
Under both X11R3 and X11R4 when one exits from X windows, the display
ends up with a pale yellow foreground color. This is easily cleared with
"clear_colormap", but I feel that there should be some way to fix
the server so that the colormap is cleared on exit from X.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? I would be happy to hear
any suggestions.

Louis C. Olszyk - Duke University Dept. of Computer Science
INET:  lco@cs.duke.edu		UUCP:  {decvax, ihnp4}!mcnc!duke!lco
PHONE: (919) 660-6578
U.S. MAIL: 07 North Bldg., Durham, NC 27706-2591  USA