[comp.windows.x] More Questions on AT&T's OpenLook toolkit

tek@penzance.cs.ucla.edu (Ted Kim (Random Dude)) (02/10/90)

Will 2.0 Xt+ be up to R4 standards?

Will SUN eventually support Xt+ also? When?

In article <1990Feb9.161645.13570@tolerant.com> geoff@tolerant.com (Geoffrey Leach) writes:
>Binaries are being distributed by ATT Data Systems (the 3B2
>and WGS 6386 people) through normal channels.  You can, for instance, buy
>a shrink-wrapped package for the 6386 (i.e., 386-based PC's) from an
>ATT reseller (if you can find one).  (Wait for release 2.0)

Will there be binaries for SUNs?
Or will we have to wait till some future SUNOS release which is SVR4 compliant?

>On the other hand, if you want source, that's available too.  Client sources
>(which includes X11R3) is available for $1000.  Its free to developers.

Who can qualify as a "developer"?

Who do we call or contact to get more info 
(especially in regards to educational licensing) ?

>Documentation is only fair, IMHO,
>but that seeme to be the way for X.  Lots of technical detail, very little
>help in how to get your job done.

Is anyone coming out with a book on Xt+?
How about O'Reilly?
How about the Prentice-Hall series (Jones, Young ...) ?

Ted Kim                           
UCLA Computer Science Department  Internet: tek@penzance.cs.ucla.edu
3804C Boelter Hall                UUCP:    ...!{uunet|ucbvax}!cs.ucla.edu!tek
Los Angeles, CA 90024		  Phone:   (213) 206-8696