[comp.windows.x] Open Dialogue

swong@dssmv2.mpr.ca (Susan Wong) (07/25/89)

Has anyone had experience with Apollo's Open Dialogue?  In particular, I'm
interested in how reliable it is and if anyone has used it to build
a product without first extending the available classes.  Apparently
release 2.0 implements motif, has anyone any news about this?

Susan Wong 

root@morpho.UUCP (root/50000) (02/13/90)

[I am posting this message again because we've been having
some problems with our connection and I'm not sure if it
ever got out. If someone could reply to let me know that
I'm being heard I would appreciate it]

Does anyone out there have experience with using Apollo's
Open Dialogue on a machine other than an Apollo (or an Apollo
for that matter)?  I have used the old Domain/Dialogue on an
Apollo before, but I have not used the open version.  We would
like to port it to an IBM RT (yuck, I know) running AIX
version 2.2.1 and X11 R3.

        ___    __    __    __          __      Alan Dahl
      / / /  /  /  /__/  /__/  /__/  /  /      North American
     / / /  /__/  / \   /     /  /  /__/       MORPHO Systems, Inc.
                                               1145 Broadway Plaza, Suite 200
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     PH:  (206) 593-8021
     FAX: (206) 591-8856                       Standard disclaimer applies...

     We shall not cease from exploration
     And the end of all our exploring
     Will be to arrive where we started
     And know the place for the first time.
	 - T.S. Elliot