(Lou Bregou) (02/13/90)
I am currently working with the X windows system on a project that requires a special character set; namely, the APL character set. Currently we have several routes available to us for the implementation of our font: We have an apl font sent to us from Colorado; the font is in the standard .bdf format. However, there are some characters that we would like to edit, and if you or a friend of yours knows of any tools (like a .bdf font editor) that will allow us to easily change the characters, I'd appreciate any help you could give us. (The sooner, the better: we have a preliminary project due date of February 16, with a target completion of March 5-8.) Also, we have an APL character set on our Sun workstations, but this font is in the standard Sun vfont format. However, the sun system also has a very nice font editor, fontedit, that would make our job easy. Our difficulty herein is the conversion from this font type to the X-windows compatible .bdf and .snf formats. If you know of a conversion utility that could assist us, SUPER! ~