[comp.windows.x] changing titlebar strings

hollings@poona.cs.wisc.edu (Jeff Hollingsworth) (02/16/90)

In article <1990Feb14.144945.21331@ICS.COM> xug@ICS.COM (X User's Group) writes:
>>Is there a way to change the name displayed in the title bar from the command
>>line ? 

[Stuff about esc sequences deleted]

But xterm seems to lack an easy way to disable this feature (and the setting
of xterm log files via an escape).  Some people have taken to placing 
xterm escape codes in mail messages or finger files.  It would be nice if there
was an Xdefault to disable these things.  


Jeff Hollingsworth					Work: (608) 262-6617
hollings@cs.wisc.edu					Home: (608) 256-4839