[comp.windows.x] xfig 2.0 patch2

envbvs@epb2.lbl.gov (Brian V. Smith) (02/24/90)

I said I would wait a while before posting the next patch (2),
but the moderator of comp.sources.x wanted to patch the source
before posting it.  So, here is patch2 (it is also on expo now).
This fixes bus errors etc from drawing circles/ellipses:

*** curve.c.old	Tue Jan 16 17:21:04 1990
--- curve.c	Thu Feb 22 15:58:24 1990
*** 117,121
  	pw_lines(window, points, npoints, val? PAINT: ERASE,
  			thick, area_fill);
- 	free(points);

--- 117,120 -----
  	pw_lines(window, points, npoints, val? PAINT: ERASE,
  			thick, area_fill);

*** patchlevel.h.old	Tue Feb 20 15:35:01 1990
--- patchlevel.h	Fri Feb 23 08:58:00 1990
*** 1
! #define PATCHLEVEL 1

--- 1 -----
! #define PATCHLEVEL 2

*** Imakefile.old	Tue Feb 20 15:10:16 1990
--- Imakefile	Fri Feb 23 09:03:01 1990
*** 5,11
  SRCS=   addpt.c arc.c arcbox.c arrow.c autoarrow.c\
          bitmap.c blink.c bound.c box.c break.c\
!         canvas.c changestyle.o changetext.o changethick.c \
          char.c color.c copy.c cursor.c curve.c\
          deletept.c dir.c drag.c draw.c ellipse.c\
          file.c flip.c font.c free.c\

--- 5,11 -----
  SRCS=   addpt.c arc.c arcbox.c arrow.c autoarrow.c\
          bitmap.c blink.c bound.c box.c break.c\
!         canvas.c changestyle.c changetext.c changethick.c \
          char.c color.c copy.c cursor.c curve.c\
          deletept.c dir.c drag.c draw.c ellipse.c\
          file.c flip.c font.c free.c\

Brian V. Smith    (bvsmith@lbl.gov)
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
I don't speak for LBL, these non-opinions are all mine.