[comp.windows.x] window groups for multiple-top-level-window clients

janssen@parc.xerox.com (Bill Janssen) (02/25/90)

In article <221@roo.UUCP>, janssen@parc (Bill Janssen) writes:
>I feel there is a very *clear* implication that top-level
>windows of a single client should be in the same group, and that a
>client with multiple top-level windows should create a group and place
>its top-level windows in that group.

Unnecessarily dogmatic.  A client may or may not choose to do this,
though it seems a good idea.  And if the group leader is mapped, it
might make sense to use it for group iconification as well.  The
global minibuffer in epoch, for instance, would make a good window
group leader.  The plaid window in xpostit, as well.

 Bill Janssen        janssen.pa@xerox.com      (415) 494-4763
 Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
 3333 Coyote Hill Road, Palo Alto, California   94304