[comp.windows.x] Where is XmuCvtStringToPixmap ?

dkelly@npiatl.UUCP (Dwight Kelly) (03/04/90)

Can anyone tell me where XmuCvtStringToPixmap has gone in X11R4?

Dwight Kelly
Network Publications, Inc.
Lawrenceville, GA

jim@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Jim Fulton) (03/06/90)

	Can anyone tell me where XmuCvtStringToPixmap has gone in X11R4?

It was renamed XmuCvtStringToBitmap since that is what it really is (and
to make sure that the name is free should anyone ever write a real string
to deep pixmap converter).

kit@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Chris D. Peterson) (03/06/90)

> Can anyone tell me where XmuCvtStringToPixmap has gone in X11R4?

Since that function only converted a string into a Bitmap we renamed it to
StringToBitmap.  The code can be found in "lib/Xmu/StrToBmap.c".  This converter
is registered by the Athena VendorShell to convert a String Resource to a

The problem was that people were attempting to use this converter for the
Background Pixmap and Border Pixmap of the Core widget.  On color displays this
would cause a Bad Match protocol error.  Since the Pixmap produced what of the
wrong depth.

Most of the Resources in Xaw got updated, but a few were missed.  I will leave
it as an exercise for the Reader to figure out which resources can actually
accept Bitmaps :-).

						Chris D. Peterson     
						MIT X Consortium 

Net:	 kit@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Phone:   (617) 253 - 9608	
Address: MIT - Room NE43-213