wmartin@brl-tgr.ARPA (Will Martin ) (10/31/84)
I have been seeing more and more of the following sort of posting: > From steven@mcvax.UUCP (Steven Pemberton) Thu Oct 25 09:40:08 1984 > Relay-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/18/84; site brl-tgr.ARPA > Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83 (MC840302); site mcvax.UUCP > Path: brl-tgr!seismo!mcvax!steven > From: steven@mcvax.UUCP (Steven Pemberton) > Newsgroups: net.politics > Subject: Re: Re: Re: gunpoint > Message-ID: <6118@mcvax.UUCP> > Date: 25 Oct 84 13:40:08 GMT > Date-Received: 25 Oct 84 11:40:21 GMT > References: <1717@inmet.UUCP> <2732@ucbcad.UUCP> <188@godot.UUCP> <180@westcsr.UUCP> > Reply-To: steven@mcvax.UUCP (Steven Pemberton) > Organization: CWI, Amsterdam > Lines: 14 > > <6118@mcvax.UUCP> cancelled from rn. > Note the "Lines:" field has a number that disagrees with the actual contents (just that one "cancelled from rn" line). I thought that "cancel" messages were supposed to delete the entire item so that it isn't there any more. Why have a posting remain with this strange "cancelled from rn" message? What good does that do anyone? (Or is this NOT the result of a "c" cancel command, but the fruit of some other strangeness?) Will Martin USENET: seismo!brl-bmd!wmartin or ARPA/MILNET: wmartin@almsa-1.ARPA