[comp.windows.x] Quest for Header files

gteo@swift.cs.tcd.ie (03/10/90)

These questions may have been asked, But ..

(1) Have anyone got header files for C++ that will can compile for
    - Xt Intrisics
    - OSF Motif

(2) Given that Xt Intrinsic is implemented in C in an Object Oriented way, has
    anyone tried to implement the Xt Intrinsics functionalities using C++?
    Is the use of a proper OOPL is more suited to implement UI components, such
    as that of Athena widget or OSF Motif? Intuitively, a proper OOPL should 
    give a better set of UI components. However, the C wizards are definitely
    more than there are C++ wizards. Could this be a determining factor for
    lack of toolkits built using OOPL that provides inheritance.

(3) Do those people who have the following programming environment,
    - C++ 
    - Xt Intrinsics
    - Motif

  find incompatiblity in mixing C and C++ code in the program. Or do people
  generally find themselves writing C all the time.

Ghee Teo