[comp.windows.x] TeXx under Ultrix problem

molloyt@ul.ie (03/12/90)

  I've installed LaTeX on a VAXstation 3100 running Ultrix V3.0
  and UWS V2.0 and also on a Sun 3/80 running SunOs 4.0.
  In both cases LaTeX is working fine as is dvi2ps which we use
  for conversion to Postscript. 
  My problem is with the previewers. I've tried both TeXsun and
  TeXx from the same distribution tape. TeXsun works fine.
  TeXx compiles on the VAXstation but will not run correctly.
  When you run TeXx it creates the initial window and may start
  to display text on it. Then it crashes with the X11 error

    X protocol error detected by server: parameter mismatch
      Failed request major op code 70 X_PolyFillRectangle
      Failed request minor op code 0 (if applicable)
      ResourceID 0x10000a in failed request (if applicable)
      Serial number of failed request 51
      Current serial number in output stream 52

  I've traced the problem to a call to XFillRectangle but the
  parameters appear to be ok ( I'm not a Cxpert).
  Can anyone suggest the cause of the problem or preferably
  has anyone got the location of a working TeXx under Ultrix
  and X11 that I can get access to over FTP

	Thanks for any help

	Tony Molloy.

  ( A "VMS hacker" who is now fighting Ultrix, C, X-Windows,
    and TeX all at the same time ).