[comp.windows.x] popup menu/selection in list box

asseld@cft.philips.nl (W v. Asseldonk) (03/15/90)

Hello all,

I hope I am not asking a previously solved question, if so please
forgive my ignorance.

The problem is that I want in my application to do the same as DEC did
in there FileView: selecting an item from the list while at the same time
showing a popup menu. 

The documentation tells me how to redefine the middle mouse button click
in order to get a popup menu. It does not tell me how I can define a
list box selection AND a popup menu using the middle mouse button.

The FileView application of DEC shows that it can be done. Does
anybody know how?


Wilko van Asseldonk
Philips (CFT-Automation)
asseld@nlccl.cft.philips.nl (UUCP)