[comp.windows.x] Bug in Xaw/AsciiSink.h

bert@snuffleupagus.csd.scarolina.edu (Bert Still) (03/20/90)

In the file AsciiSink.h in X11R4/mit/lib/Xaw, there is the following

    #ifdef XAW_BC
     *  For Compatability Only.                                 */

    #define XtAsciiSinkCreate          XawAsciiSinkCreate
    #define XtAsciiSinkDestroy         XawAsciiSinkDestroy

    #define XawTextSink Widget
    #define XtTextSink XawTextSink

    extern XawTextSink XawAsciiSinkCreate(); /* parent, args, num_args */
        /* Widget parent;           */
        /* ArgList args;            */
        /* Cardinal num_args;       */

    #define XawAsciiSinkDestroy XtDestroyWidget

    #endif /* XAW_BC */

The problem is that there is no routine XawAsciiSinkCreate().  However,
there is a subroutine XwAsciiSinkCreate() which takes the same arguments
as the supposed "XawAsciiSinkCreate."  Hence, I suggest that the above
two lines be changed to read as follows:

    #define XtAsciiSinkCreate          XwAsciiSinkCreate

    extern XawTextSink XwAsciiSinkCreate(); /* parent, args, num_args */

Of course, this is only a problem with programs needing the backwardly
compatible Xt routines.  I ran into this while building xgdb, so I'm
certain it has been noticed before.  But just in case...


                      __                     bert@cs.scarolina.edu   OR
 \----\            __/  |                  bert@vision1.ece.scarolina.edu
 | 4  | __    /---/ Fabi|-------__  __                Bert Still
 \----//  \ _/-----------------___^/  \         Univ of South Carolina
      | () |:|#4|P O R S C H E | _| () |\__     Parallel Supercomputer
       \__/ ---------------------/ \__/ \-->          Initiative

                      __                     bert@cs.scarolina.edu   OR
 \----\            __/  |                  bert@vision1.ece.scarolina.edu
 | 4  | __    /---/ Fabi|-------__  __                Bert Still