[comp.windows.x] X11R4 for IBM AOS

jqj@rt-jqj.Stanford.EDU (JQ Johnson) (03/21/90)

Has anyone in netland successfully applied the IBM patch V1.32 for AOS (4.3bsd)
to allow use of an 8514 display with the X11R4 server?  When I tried it, I had
numerous problems.  First, many lines in the distribution (I ftped a copy from
bikini.cs.ufl.edu) were split into two or more lines, resulting in compiler
errors.  Second, the directions for installation (e.g. the mods needed to
were unclear.  Third, the file server/ddx/ibm/ibm8514/ibm8514.c was apparently
missing.  Can anyone report better luck?

JQ Johnson                              voice: 415-723-3078
Manager, Special Projects               Internet: jqj@jessica.stanford.edu
Networking and Communications Systems
Pine Hall Rm 125-A 
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-4122