[comp.windows.x] Trapping WIN_UNMAP_NOTIFY in XView

young@ssiwest.UUCP (Loose and Running Amok in the West) (03/21/90)

	I have an application that opens up several top level windows in
	XView.  When the user closes one of the top level windows, depending
	on which one he/she closes, I would like to close certain other top	
	level windows.

	How can I get a WIN_UNMAP_NOTIFY event sent to my client?  I have
	delved through every manual I can get my hands on --each lists the
	event, but none tells me how to trap it since it is a window manager

	I run OpenWindows Beta 1.0.1 (soon to be 1.1) with olwm under X11_ONLY
	mode on a Sun 3/60 running Sun OS 4.0.3...

	Please send replies directly to me.  I will post any solutions I find.

	Thanks for any help.  

	indi (Cathy Young)         |"ssiwest!young"@lll-lcc.llnl.gov
	Supercomputer Systems, Inc | or: uunet!ssi!young
	Livermore, CA              | (415)373-8044
	There are two hotels in Djang: the Hotel Windsor and, across
	the street, the Hotel Anti-Windsor.          --Bruce Chatwin